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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Sensible deal, good to see it's not a 4 year deal like it would have been under Ashley 


    In a couple of years we probably need to be looking for a younger right back as Trippier will be almost 34 by then 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Mattoon said:

    I'll be surprised if they don't flirt with relegation for most of the season, a success for them should be staying up and looking to build but they won't accept that, they want straight back in the PL and the manager will get pelters as soon as its evident they won't be doing that.


    They are the biggest club in the Champo so simply staying up is only for tinpot clubs

  3. 6 minutes ago, MrRaspberryJam said:


    Barnes is very good


    He is but he isn't a right winger


    I'd rather keep Maxi where he is and buy a RW but we seem to be linked with a few LW so maybe Howe is looking to shift Maxi across 

  4. 28 minutes ago, Eveready said:

    I’m a bit confused as to why we would have staggered the payments for Pope if it doesn’t have a FFP benefit and Burnley needed the cash.  Surely the most effective way to beat FFP in the long term would be an interest free shareholder loan and paying full transfer fees upfront at a discounted prices.


    How does an interest free shareholder loan help with FFP?


    My understanding is paying in instalments has no impact on FFP, either positive or negative. However, from a cash flow perspective if you can spread payments then surely that's sensible, it's how the majority of clubs pay for players.


    Only Ashley seemed to do the pay in full for a while and that was to then justify his limited spending.  



  5. 10 hours ago, Froggy said:


    :lol: I like Messi better to be honest, but I always wondered how many goals and assists I'd get in that Barca team. I reckon 40 a year.


    Considering David Villa didn't even manage 40 goals+assists in any of his seasons at Barca, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest you'd struggle to get anywhere close 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Manxst said:

    Not saying that either. Just that they won’t be the European powerhouse they are now, in the future.  

    And if that ever happens then he'll move if he's a good player 

  7. 8 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    So far this summer:


    Darren Eales appointed as CEO.

    Dan Ashworth appointed as sporting director.

    Sven Botman, Nick Pope and Matt Targett brought in.

    Isaac Hayden, Freddie Woodman, Jeff Hendrick and Ciaran Clark shipped out.

    Additions made to the academy and womens team.

    Refurbishments made to the stadium.

    Refurbishments made to the training ground.

    Sponsorship with Fun88 terminated.

    New sponsorship with Noon.


    This lot don't fuck about do they?


    According to our neighbours the takeover isn't what it seems but when you list what they've done so far then I'll happily take this takeover that "isn't what it seems"

  8. 18 minutes ago, Scoot said:


    This is very true. They make up bullshit to comfort themselves but then when that bullshit backfires they make up another load of bullshit until that one backfires too. The cycle just carries on repeating. Just a coping mechanism to get them through what is really killing them inside!


    That's exactly what it is, a coping mechanism 


    They think the appointment of the CEO is a bad sign because none of us knew who he was yesterday 


    What they ignore to help cope with the situation is that 1) It's a role we've never had before, which shows how serious the owners are 2) His CV is credible 3) Ask the majority of football fans and they'd struggle to name more than 1 or 2 CEO's


    But instead they think it's "funny" and it's a true sign of the owners not being who we think they are 


  9. 1 minute ago, elbee909 said:

    Purely the manner of the rejection. Not being rejected itself.

    Again, so what


    He owes us absolutely nothing and it won't surprise me if we use interest in other players just to force decisions from players, so we play the game as much as anyone 


    Think some of our fans need to develop a thicker skin, not like Bruce obviously, where he just talked about a thicker skin but in reality he was so fragile 

  10. It's crazy how a section of our fanbase is taking his rejection really badly


    He's allowed to make whatever decision he think is best for himself, no need to take it so personally 


    Players have rejected us before and will reject us again 


    Him joining PSG isn't ridiculous if you try and remove the nufc bias from the situation 

  11. I'm conflicted, on the one hand it's a role we've never had due to Ashley running us like a ghost ship, the guy is clearly credible with a solid CV but Mackems reckon we should be fuming because we've never heard of him (ignoring the fact most football fans would struggle to name more than a few CEO's)

  12. 1 minute ago, Cookie1892 said:

    sounds impressive this fella


    always the plan wasnt it for them to get someone in like this to take over the bulk from Stavely and Merhdad

    I'm sure Amanda and Mehrdad said they'll still be involved as there is lots to do and it will allow us to move quicker 

  13. 33 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


    There are plenty of fans who think he's a twat. Have you ever heard a single thing about him being a negative influence within a club though?


    He was reportedly leaking stuff from the dressing room, obviously not sure how true that is but I remember seeing it reported last season 


    @Froggy probably knows more on how legit the reports were

  14. 5 hours ago, KaKa said:


    Think they both haven't quite maintained those previous levels. Those two teams also have a lot of attacking midfield talents, and so they haven't quite had the luxury of just continuing to play all the time.


    Aouar is also now entering the final year of his contract. Brandt has a couple more years left, but they're just ready to move him on now it seems, as I think he wants to be more of a key player in a consistent position.


    I still like both of them a lot though, and think they'd be great for us right now, but we don't seem to be looking at those types.





    Betis have reportedly had a bid accepted for Aouar but he seemingly is holding out for a PL move


    His stock was at it's peak after they played City, seems to have fallen a bit but he's a lovely footballer, would happily take him here

  15. 2 hours ago, UpTheToon said:

    The debt being wiped shouldn’t impact FFP at all? That historic debt has no bearing on the club not being able to lose whatever it is (100m?) over three years. 

    That's correct


    FFP or whatever it's called looks at the previous 3 years


    Would be interesting to see how they stack up though, not really had a big sale in a while but have spent big and are doing so again 

  16. 2 minutes ago, Newcastle Fan said:

    He did well for us in the Championship and some of the premier league seasons. but lost his way in the last few years, it is disappointing that we are only able to loan these players out rather than sell them and get some income for transfers.

    Disappointing but not at all surprising


    They aren't particularly good and are on wages beyond their actual level, so loan is the most realistic outcome 


    Hopefully Clark loves it so much that he pushes for a move next summer with reduced wages

  17. Clark like a few others was signed to primarily get us promoted and he certainly played his part in that, he also played a part in helping us stay up to begin with 


    It was clear he was out of his depth as each season went on but Ashley obviously saw giving him an extension as the cheaper option 


    It's not his fault he was offered that extension so hopefully it's a case of thank him for his services, wish him well and we can move on.

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