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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 24 minutes ago, McCormick said:

    Haven’t really been paying attention, will regular season games be cancelled and resume after it’s over?


    Yes, the league will pause for the World Cup 


    "The Premier League 2022/23 season dates have been confirmed.

    The season has been adjusted to accommodate the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, which will take place in the middle of the domestic calendar.

    The Premier League season will start on 6 August 2022.

    Match round 16 will be the last set of matches played over the weekend of 12-13 November ahead of the call-up period for the tournament beginning on Monday 14 November. 

    The League will resume on Boxing Day following the FIFA World Cup Final, which takes place on Sunday 18 December 2022.

    The final match round of the campaign will be played on 28 May 2023, when all games will kick off simultaneously as usual.

    The Premier League fixture schedule for Season 2022/23 will be released on Thursday 16 June 2022 from 09:00 BST."

  2. 1 hour ago, South-Cheshire-Toon said:


    I know this will seem a stupid question, but here goes - With the cost of living rising, and all of the other financial issues people may be facing, would you pay 'top whack' for an original new shirt or don't mind and pay less for a fake / rip off ?


    Haven't bought one in ages due to the sponsor but always original for Newcastle, would happily wear fakes for foreign tops 

  3. 9 minutes ago, et tu brute said:


    Where's that from? I just can't see it if they're trying to hit the Saudi market, as with a gambling logo in a country where gambling is banned, then they're not selling many if that's the case. Me personally, I would buy the new shirt unless that logo is on, as it's fucking horrendous. Surely not :weep:




    Was posted in a WhatsApp group so unsure how reliable it is.


    It would seem odd for it to be fun88 considering the "Saudi" kit that is supposedly being released 



  4. 46 minutes ago, midds said:

    I've maintained this all along, the phrase "fair value" is so ambiguous that any legal challenge to it would create an immediate backdown from the PL.


    Who decides what fair value means?

    Who decides the value of fair value?

    Is it applied consistently?

    What about deals that were signed before 'fair value' rules were introduced? 


    are just 4 questions that I think the PL would have massive issues in answering in a court of law. They may have the answers but given how they performed when Di Marco et al showed them up I genuinely doubt it. I'll say it again, sign the deals, get the cash, spend the cash and argue about it later. Fuck all will happen. You think Everton are going to be challenged about their breach of FFP? Of course not.  

    This is the approach that will need to be taken I think


    Staveley suggests we'll play by the rules and not do anything to break them but if we do that they'll just put up more restrictions and try to limit us


    Telling clubs what the value of their sponsorship is limited to is ludicrous and like you say won't hold up in court 

  5. As for the approval, I'm sure all directors and people of influence have to go through it


    We've just had the useless Charnley in charge for so long we aren't familiar with it


    It's just a formality which he'll pass no problem, unless he's been up to no good during his gardening leave 

  6. 5 hours ago, KaKa said:



    Videos like this are pointless, could even make one for Darlow and I doubt anyone would suggest he's a good keeper


    Having said that I do think those saying he's terrible are going way too far. His distribution is better than Dubravka, though that doesn't take much but for me it was that spell at Man-U at the end of last season that puts me off him


    I think a loan deal with an option to buy makes sense as we can take a closer look at him to see if that was just nerves 

  7. 5 minutes ago, nufcjmc said:

    Not sure if it was on here or a Google search I read how deep and nieche sponsorship can be some clubs have sponsorship for official car, official male grooming, official post carrier etc. A sponsor for the ground, training kit, get into Europe and get an official flight partner even if the league presses the value down the lack of sponsors in an around the club due to shite direct does lend itself for a sudden cash injection regardless of suppression of the monetary deal. Could all the deals bring in 50/70m a season? Like others have said is that fair or not who knows. 




    I think Man-U are the best at it, got a strategic sponsor for almost everything, including an official global mattress and pillow partner 

  8. 23 minutes ago, Flip said:


    It is. But despite all the making fun of Liverpool because they lost the two major titles, people have to acknowledge that their season has been unbelievable. Will be interesting to see how they do the next 1-2 years. After all, they've managed to replace players in all major positions, but their two most prominent players for the past few years are possibly gone next year or so. How will they replace both of them? Or will they do everything now to keep Salah? 


    It has been an incredible season but not sure history will be kind to it, it's a domestic cup double, that's the end result. Already we have people analysing (and rightly so) how they failed to beat any of the top 4 and didn't score a goal in 3 of the finals. 

  9. Had a 3 hour drive away for work, made the mistake of listening to the Pod of the Tyne, absolutely infuriating listening to the rewriting of history and the defence of Bruce


    Shearer is his mate so isn't going to criticise him but the rest of them didn't have the bollocks to counter what was said. That last interview with Luke was called out as a feeling sorry for Bruce as opposed to it showing Bruce out for the prick that he is, which caused the national media, pundits etc to slate our fans 

  10. I do find a lot of the stick ASM has been getting very uncomfortable, people extremely harsh towards him and calling him all sorts.


    Even if you are of the opinion you want rid I think it's shitty behaviour towards a guy that has arguably been our best player since he joined. A guy who more than played his part in ensuring we didn't get relegated despite the best efforts of Ashley and Bruce. At least have some appreciation/respect for that.


    That aside, I've definitely noticed a change in his game, does seem to look for the option to pass a bit more, whether that is a confidence thing or listening to the managers instructions. 


    For me, logic dictates you focus on your weakest positions and replace/strengthen those first, ASM or the LW is not our weakest position so calling for him to be sold is ludicrous. 


    I think he'll have a mint season next year and a lot of the people that have went overboard with criticism will be made to look foolish. 

  11. He's not wrong, Almiron runs around a lot but just like a parent will criticise their own kids but not let anyone else criticise them, so hope Joelinton snaps the floppy haired doylem in half 

  12. 2 hours ago, et tu brute said:

    Deep down they know that whatever success they have if any will be tainted. To watch your rivals have the weekend we’ve just had, to see your rivals go through the s##t we have endured over the past 5 years and not only did it not break us, it made us stronger and more United than ever…it’s killing then!



    That's not legit is it? Even for them that's some seriously special stuff 

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