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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 20 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    If this takeover is a Sham I’m gonna be laughing my tits off. 

    But the joke is on us, they still have their classy morals 

  2. 1 hour ago, Barnes23 said:

    Also towards the end "It would be easy to just give us a day off tomorrow"...  Hates Bruce as much as us by the sounds of it [emoji38]




    Aye, even saying whilst they might not train as such they'll have the analysts in 


    An alien concept to Bruce 

  3. He's brilliant, levels above what we have had there for years


    Also, it may seem like a small thing but to me it says a lot but when we conceded look at his reaction compared to the others, he was the first to get the ball and get the players that were on the line moving again


    That's the attitude we need and I understand why Howe won't make the change but Trippier is effectively the captain, it's so clear

  4. I thought he should have started Bruno but ultimately his decision was correct


    I'm delighted for him, it was clear to me there had been improvements (subtle ones admittedly) but it was embarrassing seeing people talking about binning him off and that he was no better than Bruce, so I'm glad he's silenced those people up for now



  5. 3 minutes ago, Alberto2005 said:

    Have people seen the press conference? The translator is replying in English as if someone just asked him why he was a cunt, so aggressive it's class :lol:

    Aye, it's worth watching for him alone

  6. 3 minutes ago, Lotus said:

    Am I getting this wrong?
    I thought it unlikely Ashworth will be scouting any players. He’ll tasked with identifying and employing the scouts who found the likes of Mahrez and Kante. He will set up those depts and they will report to him.

    It will be up to him, I would imagine to got those players signed on at the club once the scout has actually tapped them up (joke/ prolly not joke….).

    That's how I understand it to be


    So he'll set up the scouting/recruitment and they'll report into him but as explained in that interview shared earlier he was responsible for 6 areas which is the men and womens first team, the academy, medical/sports science, loans as well as recruitment. 


    I would expect it to be a similar set up here and he'll report to a CEO (for which the club is recruiting)

  7. 4 minutes ago, Unbelievable said:


    You seem to be confusing the DoF role with the chief scout role. We don't just need some better players, we need the entire footballing side of the club gutted and brought to a much higher level.

    Exactly, recruitment is just one aspect and tbf we already seem to be doing a decent job of identifying good players, obviously league position/January made it challenging to sign them


    In that video shared earlier he talks about 6 things he's responsible for, that's the stuff that we need and it needs to be joined up, all throughout the club

  8. 4 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    Yeh it’s possible. But I would like evidence to know it’s possible 


    Something to emulate.  I want Ashwoeth to do things better than they’ve he’s done before over the next 24 Month. I don’t know who signed those Leicester players or Monaco, Benfica etc. I would say yeh do what you’ve been doing just do it more.  Here’s the extra funds. 

    Leicester winning the league was an anomaly. But they have signed multiple players for cheap that have gone on to play at the highest level. Southampton back in the day too. Whoever brought in those players m, would get me excited. 

    this isn’t to say Ashworth will flop.  He’s just not done anything In his career to excite me. 


    Signings are just one aspect of his role, the rest of the role is what is key here.


    The reality is for about a decade or so Lee Charnley ran this club, that's it. You had him and then a manager, with some recruitment people too.


    For me the structure and having joined up thinking is what I'm more interested in and excited about. That's what will transform us as a club. 

  9. Really happy with this impending appointment. We haven't been a normal club for so long so others might thing it's an odd reaction but it's class to see us being ran like a proper club


    I know some people wanted this to happen back in October but if the owners identified Ashworth as the key man and it meant waiting a few months then I'm glad they did that.


    Decisions such as this as well as the CEO are to build a platform for this club to benefit us for decades so it's better to take your time and get right than to panic and balls it up.

  10. 7 hours ago, Sima said:

    He’s made a rod for his own back with that comment, the stupid cunt.

    That's the thing, it will all be forgotten about


    Remember when he himself at the start of the season said top 10 was his target and then when it was clear that wasn't going to happen his tune changed to survival is what this club is all about


    Yet his media pals didn't pick him up on his comments about top 10 and if it goes wrong at West Brom it will go the same way

  11. 2 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    Didn’t they get 45 against Bradford 3 year ago on Boxing Day

    Aye, it was featured in Sunderland Til I Die a fair bit, showed Methven to be the prick that he is

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