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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 6 minutes ago, KaKa said:

    Lyon are already moving for a player that will come in based on Bruno leaving. They are not going to be shifting the price around, pretty certain they are just ironing out the details on the payment schedule etc. 

    Isn't the player Lyon are signing an attacker/winger though? (No idea if anyone else in their squad can fill in for Bruno)

  2. 1 hour ago, gdm said:

    Don’t get too excited. It’ll be some come down if this falls thru with 4 days left of window 

    Fans watched Villareal play only for Emery not to happen

    Then watched Sevilla for Carlos, that didn't happen 

    Might be worth avoiding the match tonight 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Chris_R said:

    I've never seen him play but everyone raving about him - He's got 5 in 18 for Southampton this season and 10 in 30 for Vitesse last year.  That's a slightly worse record (though similar) than Chris Wood overall in his career, and worse than Chris Wood specifically for Burnley.


    Both are 6'3", so his height isn't even unique. What am I missing here? Again, not seen him play so these are genuine questions.


    I think he's started 10 for Southampton, rest is sub


    Although he's tall he's not really a typical or classic big man, he's quick and direct, beats players well and is a good finisher


    He's definitely a talent, based on the little I've seen of both Broja over Ekitike 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Surely Chelsea would have to pay Southampton a hefty fee to cancel the loan deal? Leaves them up the shitter?

    Unless the loan has a recall option, in which case tough shit for Southampton 


    I don't think it will happen but will be worth it for the Southampton meltdown  

  5. 1 hour ago, Wandy said:

    If you want any evidence of how on edge they are about our respective futures, then their reaction to Lyon denying the news about the Guimaraes transfer is a perfect summary. Absolutely ecstatic about it.


    A trophy-winning NUFC will truly send some of them over the edge completely. Hell, even CL qualification regulars will probably do it.


    I think Exile may also have a contender for the title of most bitter SMB on their forum. Step up Mackem2017, who thinks this transfer window of ours has been “legendary”. [emoji38]




    I wonder, is Guimaraes ability wildly changing based on how likely or unlikely the signing is to be?

  6. I've not watched a huge amount of Brighton but whenever I've seen him play I've been impressed with his ability on the ball for a big lad


    I presume he's our sensible short/medium term alternative to Botman


    If we can't get Carlos then we'll need to find a sensible short/medium term alternative to him (Maybe Coady? Phillips?)

  7. 1 minute ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    Why are Brighton willing to sell one of their first team regulars for such a low fee?

    18 months left on his contract and maybe he's told them he wants to go 


    They've spoken about never stopping people (managers, directors etc) from moving on


    I think it's a reasonable fee all things considered

  8. 3 minutes ago, Flip said:

    would be great if he could convince Paqueta to join as well. Those two and Jo in the middle. Best midfield this club would ever see.

    If Lyon are needing a few quid then we shouldn't stop there, may as well get Aouar too 

  9. Just now, Detritus Bramble said:

    How many Newcastle fans have a reference to Sunderland in their Twitter name or profile (for example)? Contrast that with how many FTMs you see amongst their lot. They’re not all like that but loads of them hate us more than they love SAFC 

    Yeah, FTM is ingrained into them, they hate us more than they like their own club, which is just wrong



  10. Just now, The Prophet said:

    I get where Hope is coming from, but my opinion won't change between now and Monday. If we get the required bodies in, it's a good window, if we don't  it's a bad window.


    The owners know what's at stake, so it'll be a busy few days.

    I'm the same, getting the relevant players in now or Monday isn't a huge difference


    If by the close of window we haven't added another player then it's a poor window


    How many additional we had and the quality will determine if it remains poor or is good, class, amazing etc 

  11. Just now, The Prophet said:

    I'd be shocked if Levy sanctioned a deal worth circa €50 million on a 28 year old.

    The report suggests Lo Celso going the other way so they'd probably get a few quid from him and offset that way 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Wykikitoon said:

    Apparently Spuds want Carlos now.

    Levy wont pay his wages surly?

    Based on what is reported his wages will fall well within their structure



  13. 2 minutes ago, DMLeazesender said:

    I really don't rate Tarkowski, he's been awful every time I've seen him play (which I admit is not that often) but from what I've seen I really don't see him as an upgrade.

    He was good against Arsenal yesterday 


    I think he's better than Lascelles and Clark but don't rate him ahead of Fernandez or Schar 


    If we get Carlos and Tarkowski that won't be so bad but just Tarkowski would be a tad underwhelming 

  14. 34 minutes ago, chayton said:


    There is clear direction on VAR to only overturn decisions that are a clear refereeing error. This one is far from clear. There's a good couple of seconds between Koch's leg being out and ASM starting to fall. It's an odd one, his foot appears to be planted and then he slips under his own momentum. If there was contact, it's not difficult to understand how, in the heat of the moment, the referee missed it. And the theatrics will have influenced him that ASM was looking for it. Even in slo-mo, it's not a clear penalty. 


    I guess Pawson didn't get that memo 

  15. 8 minutes ago, Ben said:

    Could do with a few yorkshire puddings and Stottie cakes but I can see why Howe likes him, he looks a different striker than both Wilson and Wood.

    Aye, I like the look of him and if coached well he can become a real asset 


  16. 4 minutes ago, Ben said:

    A few more touches now, he looks confident 

    Aye, he's been quite decent 


    Set up a half decent chance and also did well to get a shot off, just unfortunately the shot went miles over 



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