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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I would not be so sure with Pardew, Vuckic is a big lad so he might still do that
  2. What is the point of having Sammy, Shola and Best on the bench. Should have Abeid/Gosling instead of 1 of those
  3. No Ben Arfa :rant: Delighted Ba is starting Good luck to Vuckic, hopefully he smacks a 30 yarder past Reina
  4. Why are they surprised? He did a shit job with us, so we are hardly going to think the sun shines out of his arse like they do
  5. If we go 4-4-2 with Best up front we will lose comfortably as we will barely get to see the ball with us just lumping it to Best
  6. You are right Hopefully Tiote and Colo can get through today Last season Tiote had 14 yellows and 1 red in 28 games, this season he has 4 yellows in 12 games so there has been a slight improvement on that front
  7. They get a clean slate, just unlucky for us we are playing on the 31st. A fairer way would be for it to apply for the match today and tomorrows games
  8. Disappointed BUT can't say I am surprised They clearly don't care too much about pushing the club forward, it is all about staying in the division with as little cost as possible We are in a great position and all it takes is a couple of signings (they don't have to be huge fees or panic buys) to ensure we will finish 7th no problem and maybe even push for 6th BUT I can see us dropping down the table, especially if Ba gets injured
  9. Will start around 20th July, so he will be fasting during pre season and the start of the season
  10. How many starts has it been in the league for him, 15? #divertingitbacktofooty
  11. I think you will find most studies find people with religion have generally happier and more fulfilled lives than those that don't. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_and_happiness Oh, please! Your comment about feeling sorry for Demba because he is religious was ridiculous I am certain he does not need your sympathy
  12. wow well as a current Muslim it makes me proud seeing Demba represent :smitten: The closest I have to a religion now is..... NUFC..... and I'm damn proud of it! I love NUFC too
  13. I heard that Gary Cahill spat at Demba Ba? I only watched Football First and they didn't show it
  14. wow well as a current Muslim it makes me proud seeing Demba represent :smitten:
  15. As did all of the other players, especially Best so don't understand why when Ben Arfa loses the ball it gets highlighted yet Best losing it does not raise the same level of concern
  16. Bit of a cop out imo, none of us know how any player does in training so we can never complain about any selection Pardew makes? To an extent, yes actually. But much more in the case of someone who has missed a year of football with a serious serious injury. BUT he has clearly recovered from the injury, why else would he have started 3 games in a row? that too against 3 tough teams I can understand if players in the starting XI were performing BUT Best and Obertan (Jonas too) have by and large been average of late so it is reasonable for fans expecting Ben Arfa to be picked ahead of them
  17. Bit of a cop out imo, none of us know how any player does in training so we can never complain about any selection Pardew makes?
  18. Even a rusty Ben Arfa is better than the alternatives so don't buy this he needs to be at 100% nonsense Also makes no sense how he can start 3 games in a row yet a month later not be fully fit, sounds like excuses from Pardew BUT it is only a matter of time before Pardew accepts he is being stubborn
  19. Was disappointed when he left BUT not keen on getting him back at the price being mentioned. Also I suspect his off the field problems will return If we have that kind of money to spend then we are better off going for Giroud, Cisse etc etc
  20. Theirs a difference between them being given permission to put up advertisement signs and them being allowed to actually change the name of the stadium and address. NUFC can refer to the stadium as Sports Direct arena all they want, the name legally still remains St James' Park. Aye BUT surely Ashley can have that St James' Park sign removed?
  21. Is this still up ? Aye, surprised it hasn't been removed yet
  22. I know that but I believe there is potential for gabby and I want to see him go good. He's only 22 so he has lots of time to improve and I'm confident that he will. We should send him out on loan, let him get his practice elsewhere because he has been shite for us and I can't see that changing any time soon
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