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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Guthrie certainly isnt as bad as the last dozen pages or so have suggested


    He did have a horrible game against wba BUT overall he has been a good player for us - he does need to work on his fitness though BUT he certainly is good enough as a squad player for us

  2. I think he's showed promise and I'm happy with this.


    BTW: How many have been given the 5.5 year contracts so far? Pardew, Vuckic.....?


    He'll definately be starting today (famous last words).


    S.Taylor, williamson and ranger

  3. As i live in the area been to quite a few birmingham games in the last few years and i have to say he's never really stood out for me he's a so-so player has a decent set peice  but never beats his man i think we would be better of elsewere tbh.Would take Bentley all day over him.


    Bentley doesnt really beat his man either

  4. There's a lot of Guthrie hate here.


    Most of our big home wins last Season had him in the middle. He's not worth a starting place, sure, but is decent back-up who is young enough to get better. I seem to remember good, solid midfielders like Jenas and Parker getting similiar stick because they just did their job of making the team tick, even if they didn't have Barton's spectacular long passes or Nolan's great scoring rate.


    I agree - he was shocking against West Brom BUT overall he has been a good player for us and I think he is a more than useful squad player



  5. I didnt think Simpson was up to it at this level, thought he would be awful BUT he has played quite well overall - seems solid enough without being spectacular. I wish he would stop backing off though, doing it for a few yards is one thing BUT he does it for a good 15-20 yards and before you know it their player is in our box

  6. Sorry... Nah they went on about him holding his face and faking it and basicly saying he should be punished.  Made him out to be a pansy but didnt mention anything good at all about him


    I dont recall Wilshere getting any stick for his theatrics against Wigan


    Lee Dixon is a cunt

  7. Tiote has overall been brilliant - has made some mistakes, though I think it is safe to say in that time Smith would have made much more


    We really need a more attack minded CM to partner him as the current lot in the squad are just not good enough

  8. Happy with this


    If he left it would have been for a very low fee, would have been extremely hard to replace him with such an amount - instead we can concentrate on other areas of the pitch now

  9. Would be gutted if Barton left - he is playing very well at the moment and the reported fees mentioned are a joke


    He is so important to our play, would be very tough to replace him

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