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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. I think what I really enjoy most about Tiote is that he rarely goes to ground for a challenge, he's generally beating the opposition to balls, reading the game and making a challenge, or simply standing his man up and out-muscling him. 


    Agreed - he rarely goes for the slide tackle, which I guess you dont really need to do if you have the awareness, positioning anf strength that he has


    Quality player

  2. I've got a horrible feeling Tiote is going to be banned when we go to the Stadium of Light,  he's 3 yellows away from a 2 match ban and has to get through Birmingham,  which could be a physical battle,  Man City, again tackles will be flying in with the likes of De Jong, Toure, Barry,  Spurs,  you just know that'll Modric will go flying when Tiote breathes on him,  Wigan and then West Ham.  if he has survived that lot i'd be resting him against Stevenage anyway.


    Will be close - bloody sol campbell, his fault Tiote picked up the yellow against Liverpool

  3. He has been average of late - thought he was quite poor against Liverpool, should have been running at Glen Johnson who is very dodgy defensively


    He does help out a lot defensively though so he isnt totally useless as some people make him out to be


    Any idea when Kazenga is fit? Would not mind seeing him play a few games

  4. I can't stand the guy BUT if he was appointed then reluctantly I would give him a chance, though I think he would get us relegated as I can see the squad morale going down the shitter




    I'm finished with NUFC until he goes, not because I really dislike him, I've just had enough of Ashley now.


    It feels like I'm wasting precious minutes of my life on the club while Ashley is here.


    Never thought I'd ever say that. Never.





    I can understand that BUT as much as I hate Ashley, I still obviously want the club to win and do well


    BUT then you think what is the point when you have a twat in charge who really does not give a shit and appears to have no intention of improving the team, pushing us forward

  5. I can't stand the guy BUT if he was appointed then reluctantly I would give him a chance, though I think he would get us relegated as I can see the squad morale going down the shitter

  6. fat sam said not long ago when he was a quest pundit on one of our matches that it was derek llambias that ran the club not the owner and he sounded like he had abit of beef with him


    Not sure why Allardyce would have a problem with Llambias?  ??? But anyway, as others have said, he's nothing more than a mouthpiece IMO. The shots are called by Ashley.


    Didn't Llambias not come to the club until after Allardyce left?


    Llambias joined in the summer of 2008, Fat Sam was sacked in January of that year


    Mort was still chairman when Keegan came IIRC.


    Aye he was - Mort left in the summer when dodgy derek was appointed

  7. fat sam said not long ago when he was a quest pundit on one of our matches that it was derek llambias that ran the club not the owner and he sounded like he had abit of beef with him


    Not sure why Allardyce would have a problem with Llambias?  ??? But anyway, as others have said, he's nothing more than a mouthpiece IMO. The shots are called by Ashley.


    Didn't Llambias not come to the club until after Allardyce left?


    Llambias joined in the summer of 2008, Fat Sam was sacked in January of that year

  8. Llambias is a cunt BUT level of cunt-ness pales in comparison to that of Ashley


    Ashley owns the club 100% so the final decision is his, whereas Shepherd still had a big stake in the club even if it wasnt the majority

  9. Absolutely gutted - though not totally shocked that the fat idiot would do such a cuntish thing


    I fail to see why he has been sacked - Hughton has done a brilliant job overall and we have done reasonably well in the league, makes no sense BUT then the fat cunt has shown that he doesnt possess much common sense


    Why would any decent manager want to work for him?


    JFK to return?

  10. He did a wonderful job for us - a real credit he was


    In a way he is better off now, not having to work for a vile, horrible cunt


    I wish him well and hope he gets a decent job soon

  11. You can't play the chance card with Taylor, man. He's had plenty of chances. And has usually ended up on the bench because of his inability to learn.


    He has ended up on the bench cos he has been getting injured




    Don't be so ridiculous, man. Injuries have only been a problem for him in the last year, prior that he's was relatively robust.


    aye and that is why the seasons prior to that he played 27, 31 and 27 league games - so he didnt really end up on the bench "because of his inability to learn"


    Souness, Roeder, Allardyce and Kinnear generally picked central defensive partnerships that didn't include him. Roeder had him mostly at FB, Kinnear quickly discovered that he wasn't up to it, as did Souness who even bought Boumsong because of it. Allardyce had him 4th choice behind Faye, Cacapa and Rozenhal.


    They can't all be wrong. Hughton only started him last season because there was no alternative.


    If they all think he is crap then I think it is safe to say he isnt  :coolsmiley:


    Allardyce and Kinnear didnt rate Enrique either - so much so Kinnear was prepared to swap enrique for McManus


    Keegan seemed to rate Taylor and he certainly featured in his side

  12. You can't play the chance card with Taylor, man. He's had plenty of chances. And has usually ended up on the bench because of his inability to learn.


    He has ended up on the bench cos he has been getting injured




    Don't be so ridiculous, man. Injuries have only been a problem for him in the last year, prior that he's was relatively robust.


    aye and that is why the seasons prior to that he played 27, 31 and 27 league games - so he didnt really end up on the bench "because of his inability to learn"

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