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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Geordie Ahmed


    S.Taylor, williamson and ranger
  2. Bentley doesnt really beat his man either
  3. I hope we can get Larsson - it is a decent price and he is still young. Would prefer to get him instead of Bentley
  4. I agree - he was shocking against West Brom BUT overall he has been a good player for us and I think he is a more than useful squad player
  5. It seems inevitable that he will leave at some point BUT I would fucking hate it if he went to Spurs - cant stand them and that mong Harry
  6. Great result - performance was decent as well BUT we didnt really need to try that much since they were shit Delighted for Best, certainly was not expecting that from him - took all of his goals well and his general play was canny
  7. I didnt think Simpson was up to it at this level, thought he would be awful BUT he has played quite well overall - seems solid enough without being spectacular. I wish he would stop backing off though, doing it for a few yards is one thing BUT he does it for a good 15-20 yards and before you know it their player is in our box
  8. I dont recall Wilshere getting any stick for his theatrics against Wigan Lee Dixon is a cunt
  9. It would be typical of us to lose this after winning away BUT we should be beating West Ham
  10. Geordie Ahmed

    Steven Taylor

    He played well - wasnt really tested as Wigan didnt offer a great deal going forward BUT a tidy enough performance from him
  11. Was largely anonymous - not good enough really to play in the middle BUT we have no other option really
  12. Another great performance from him - he was immense today Wasnt keen on the clutching face theatrics at the end BUT I guess it wasted some important seconds
  13. Tiote has overall been brilliant - has made some mistakes, though I think it is safe to say in that time Smith would have made much more We really need a more attack minded CM to partner him as the current lot in the squad are just not good enough
  14. I thought he played well, his crossing was better than usual though he needs to put more pace into his crosses, he tends to float them in at the moment which makes it harder for Carroll
  15. Geordie Ahmed

    Steven Taylor

    Happy with this If he left it would have been for a very low fee, would have been extremely hard to replace him with such an amount - instead we can concentrate on other areas of the pitch now
  16. Geordie Ahmed

    Joey Barton

    Would be gutted if Barton left - he is playing very well at the moment and the reported fees mentioned are a joke He is so important to our play, would be very tough to replace him
  17. Agreed - he rarely goes for the slide tackle, which I guess you dont really need to do if you have the awareness, positioning anf strength that he has Quality player
  18. I reckon Foster has been better than Hart
  19. Will be close - bloody sol campbell, his fault Tiote picked up the yellow against Liverpool
  20. Could not have happened to a nicer guy :mackems: :mackems:
  21. He has been average of late - thought he was quite poor against Liverpool, should have been running at Glen Johnson who is very dodgy defensively He does help out a lot defensively though so he isnt totally useless as some people make him out to be Any idea when Kazenga is fit? Would not mind seeing him play a few games
  22. He was brilliant when he came on - gave Liverpool all sorts of problems
  23. Geordie Ahmed

    Alan Pardew

    No. I'm finished with NUFC until he goes, not because I really dislike him, I've just had enough of Ashley now. It feels like I'm wasting precious minutes of my life on the club while Ashley is here. Never thought I'd ever say that. Never. I can understand that BUT as much as I hate Ashley, I still obviously want the club to win and do well BUT then you think what is the point when you have a twat in charge who really does not give a shit and appears to have no intention of improving the team, pushing us forward
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