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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Or likewise if he went to Benwell or Walker. Benwell aint that bad, actually it is a shit hole BUT a non white person can go there without any worries
  2. C'mon man, Ashley would never lie - he doesnt seem like the kind of guy that would use his media bum chums to spread bullshit
  3. What has Keegan done wrong though? He walked out of the job after being undermined and lied to. What happened afterwards was all down to the board being incompetent. Him wanting compensation is what every manager does, and even if its excessive I don't blame him after the attempted smear campaign in the press by those running the club - people with no business being in football. Keegan is supposed to love the club, and by loving the club and area I would at least expect them not to f*** both up for the sake of a few bob. I'm sure King Kev and his family are f***ing loaded and don't particularly need all this cash... If he weren't to f*** the fans over by basically helping us go into administration, then he would become far more popular again...and maybe his intentions as our manager the second time round would become slightly more believable... Like previously mentioned - he cannot be totally innocent in it all...surely. :facepalm:
  4. Dream on. This has nowt to do with the sale of the club. While not settled any potential owner would insist the liability of this claim was Ashley's responsibility. Also, ready yourself for the fact that once a decision is made by the arbitration panel it will almost certainly be contested by the losing party unless it's a relatively small amount agreeable to both sides. no sale will go through while this thing is ongoing is the one clear factor I can't see any sale going through either, not while there is so much doubt as to the amount Keegan is going to get. If Ashley loses the case and Keegan scores for £9m+ then obviously the price of the club will reduce by that amount. Before the Keegan cheerleaders start reminding us how this will come out of Ashleys pocket you might want to consider that he could decide he'd rather not sell at a reduced price and will just get his money back by keeping the club and cutting investment in the squad by the same amount awarded to Keegan. So yes, keegan will have been proved right, yes Ashley is a b****** and yes Keegan gets to bail out his soccer circus and have a few million to juggle with. And yes our club will be royally f***ed as a result. Hurrah!! King kev wins!!! :celb1: :indi: :laugh2: Our club is already royally fucked thanks to Ashley - why people are making it out as if Keegan is destroying newcastle united is beyond me? The club was royally fucked when Ashley was making profits in the transfer windows The club was royally fucked when Ashley backed the poisoned dwarf over Keegan The club was royally fucked when Ashley/Llambias started their bullshit The club was royally fucked when Ashley appointed Kinnear The club was royally fucked when Ashley refused to address our rubbish squad in January The club was royally fucked when Ashley allowed it to sink under the management of Hughton/Calderwood The club was royally fucked . . . . . . . etc etc etc etc etc
  5. Exactly - Keegan is honest and has integrity, Ashley and Llambias are devious, lying bastards - how anyone can favour the cockney twats over Keegan is beyond me. Im just gobsmacked at how many people are blaming Keegan and having a go at him - I bet if Ashley fried some s*** and packaged it as Newcastle United Chocolate Bar they would buy it Jesus Christ you really a sad creature aren't you. Thank you
  6. Exactly - Keegan is honest and has integrity, Ashley and Llambias are devious, lying bastards - how anyone can favour the cockney twats over Keegan is beyond me. Im just gobsmacked at how many people are blaming Keegan and having a go at him - I bet if Ashley fried some shit and packaged it as Newcastle United Chocolate Bar they would buy it
  7. C'mon Keegan - get every penny of the fat gitt
  8. When is the decision expected to happen?
  9. Cant believe the amount of hate for Kevin Keegan - fucking mongs
  10. Divnt 'hate' either of them BUT Given is a legend so by default Owen is my pick
  11. even if it turns out he was in the wrong ? BUT he wasnt wrong and i dont need some tribunal to tell me that. I would back someone like Keegan over the likes of Wise, Llambias and Ashley EVERY single day of the week
  12. Is he heck a leech The guy never claimed a single penny from his previous jobs - instead he chose to walk away, a leech would have hung on until he was sacked (especially in the case of the England job) The problem is that Keegan has integrity and honesty in abundance - something that is severely lacking in football today
  13. I hope Keegan gets every single penny that he has claimed for
  14. Butt is obviously going to play - unfortunately we have to accept that. Despite that i still think we can win even though it wont be easy (i do say this before every game like)
  15. Aye he did look like he was carrying a few extra pounds
  16. We were average BUT still managed to get the 3 points and a clean sheet The back 4 were canny, apart from the 2 moments when Enrique lost the ball and Colo missed the ball (leading to Smith's sending off) Joey Barton was s*** - lost count the number of times he gave the ball away. Nolan was average as well. Guthrie was anonymous. Ranger had an okay game, cant be easy playing up front on your own
  17. Very true BUT hell would freeze before managers tell the players off for diving What needs to happen is for the authorities to clamp down on it so the players wont think about diving - i mean do you think we will see Eduardo diving any time soon?
  18. This is good providing it is the start of something - hopefully Eduardo isnt an exception and serial divers like Gerrard, Drogba etc also get suspensions the next time they fall to the ground
  19. Probaly exactly what will happen, probaly just about right tbh. Still, this is the kind of thing that needs to be further exposed. You look at things like this, the Mikel Obi saga (dirty from all sides), and the dealings with minors (especially poor kids from South America and Africa and you realise there is a deeper problem we probaly don't knoe the full story of. I agree - football is full of "dodgy" dealings so anything that goes some way to eradicating them should be encouraged. Lets hope all the clubs up to no good start getting punishments
  20. I reckon it will get reduced to a 1 transfer window ban - which they should just about cope with
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