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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 2 minutes ago, Shadow Puppets said:

    Taking my hatred of Man Utd out of it, that’s a ridiculously unlucky red card like.

    Of course intent matters. He’s protecting the ball, the other player puts his leg exactly where he’s about to stand. How is that Rashford’s fault?


    Why isn’t it the Copenhagen players fault?

    He plants his foot very wide and therefore that's a risk


    I do think he's unlucky but end result is dangerous 


    For me it's a clear red card

  2. 1 minute ago, Froggy said:


    Rashford might be shit, but he isn't dirty at all. It wasn't even overly high. A complete accident with no intent. It's a shocking decision. 

    Intent is irrelevant if the outcome is dangerous, which it was 

  3. Rashford red card is unlucky as he's only trying to protect the ball but when you catch a player like that then it has to be a red card 


    Whilst I always take pleasure when Man-U lose, part of me fears for the abuse the poor lad will get if they do

  4. 5 minutes ago, hakka said:


    I was more commenting on the "never seen it like this" for size of players out over causation.

    Ah right, fair


    I even recall under Souness we had loads of players out 



  5. 4 minutes ago, hakka said:


    Surely this was common Ashley era other than Rafa days? - seem to remember we always badly handled fitness, overplayed certain players until they broke and rushed people back all the time etc.

    Might be talking rubbish but they were more muscle injuries whereas at least 5 of ours are impact injuries, just unfortunate 


    And the muscle injuries (Isak and Targett) have hardly been players that have been overplayed 

  6. 14 minutes ago, oldtype said:


    Given that we are the only football club owned by the PIF, that seems eminently fair.


    I also don't know the extent to which the other clubs in the Saudi Pro League are state-owned or affiliated, but if any are, we should be banned from transacting with them as well.

    Not sure how that is fair


    So if Neves is unsettled and wants to come back to the Premier League, he can be loaned to Liverpool/ManU etc but not us?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Elbel1 said:

    Possibly Everton with their 777 takeover in the pipeline also I seem to remember that Burnley voted against the 'Fair market value' stipulation but i may have imagined that 

    Just having a read and the Villa owners have 46% ownership in Portuguese club Vitoria


    Palace owners have investments in a few clubs too


    So I'd be surprised if it passes 



  8. 1 minute ago, FloydianMag said:

    For PL rule changes if 7 clubs vote against the rules can’t be changed, if I remember correctly?

    Yeah, they need 14 clubs to vote for it to be passed


    City, Brighton, Bournemouth, Chelsea and ourselves will likely to vote against it, would need 2 more clubs 

  9. Actually, thinking about it I think Ashworth spoke about it in public on purpose.

    This will either do one of two things

    1) There is a permanent ban. We don't have any loans so no issue and we'll just follow the rules. It's more problematic for City, Brighton Chelsea etc

    2) There is no ban. Then we can benefit by getting players from Saudi to cover injuries etc.

  10. 14 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


    Rolling table, I might try and put something less basic together if I get time...


    Man United -7

    Us +6

    Liverpool +3

    Villa +1

    Brighton -4

    Spurs +8

    Is this table based on the points difference after the same number of games last season? Or is it based on the comparison with the opposition faced?

  11. Just now, Hanshithispantz said:

    Hall pulls him back first to start the tussle, he'd lost the race. The Lingstaff challenge was a blatant yellow, aye. Bad call but on reflection of the whole game I don't think there was any bias. I never felt jipped by many of the on field calls and if anything we got slightly more ofvthe 50/50s.

    I agree about the calls he made, felt he did well and he allowed some robust but fair challenges for both sides


    It's just once he has decided to give Hall a yellow then he needs to be consistent with it and they had at least 2 tackles/fouls (which weren't first offences for those players) that he didn't give a yellow for 

  12. 1 minute ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    I think it was a yellow tbh, quite soft for a first offence before the 10th minute but it was a dangerous attack and Hall pulling that big ugly fucker back stopped it.


    The rest of the game was honestly near enough how I would want a game to be officiated. Dortmund were clever with there fouls but I don't think they ever overstepped the mark.





    I'm not so sure about that, the one on Longstaff in particular was from behind, so was both dangerous and stopped a clear attack, that was far worse than what Hall did, which to me looked more like they were both pushing each other

  13. He did okay, that yellow really made it difficult for him, meant he was extra cautious with any challenges


    Considering the lack of bodies we have I would like to see him given a go in midfield if we are really short or even left wing, he played LWB against City in the League Cup last season and he was inverted a lot and he was the best player for Chelsea

  14. We've not been embarrassed in either game


    They were the better side in the first half of both games


    We were much better in the 2nd half of the first game and slightly better in this one


    Wilson takes his chance in the first and Joelinton takes his in the 2nd and we probably get a result, such fine margins 


    The squad is very stretched so he's limited as to what he could do. He's performing miracles really.

  15. Just now, Mike said:

    Thought distance was a consideration fir handball.


    :lol: The rules change so fluidly.

    When scoring the handball law is different 


    Oddly, if he had passed it to a team mate and he scored, goal would have stood

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