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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. I know one of the f***ing mongs on the pitch in the fighting.


    Same here. :lol: Know him canny well too despite him being a grade A moron. Embarrassing.


    Ditto :lol:


    I was speaking to him before the match, didn't realise he was fighting til I saw him tagged in a photo with the kid in the green t-shirt who got arrested.


    Aye, he was all over SSN and I spotted him straight away in this picture as well:





    Which one do you lot know like?


    I got dragged in the middle of that scuffle on the pitch and that lad in the green top booted me in the ribs for no reason whatsoever.


    From the vids looks like that lad started it most of it off, complete t***. Hopefully banned.


    I've heard different things as to how it happened. I don't know, I mean, I wasn't fighting. I'm not a hooligan. Darlo fans ran over and provoked the Newcastle fans. Apparently some steward (a women) got punched and then it escalated into that. I was near the front, got knocked over by all of the pushing and bundled onto the pitch. I got up, looked around to see where I was and then I got pushed into someone who I fell to the floor with and that's when the video picked it up. That lad I fell on top of got pulled away and the lad in the green top kicked me straight in the ribs. I'm a Newcastle fan and so was he, don't understand why he'd kick me for unless he thought I supported Darlington, or if I did something to anger him which I know I didn't as that was the first time I'd even seen the lad. I went back to my seat and kept myself away from any confrontations and stuff. I will be absolutely angered if I was to receive a ban, I don't feel like I've done anything wrong at all. (Obviously invading the pitch) but howay, so did everyone else. The second time though I couldn't help being knocked onto the field.


    I'd memorise that statement so you'll have no trouble reciting it when the bizzies boot your front door in and drag you out of bed by your nads at 5am.




    Aye, I doubt out will happen but apparently that lad in the green caused a lot of bother at the train station also.


    You lot talking about the guy in green as in the one that gets arrested on film? How would he have been at the station?

    Err, travelling from Newcastle to Darlington for the match perhaps????

    Ahh perhaps.  :doh:

  3. I got dragged in the middle of that scuffle on the pitch and that lad in the green top booted me in the ribs for no reason whatsoever.


    From the vids looks like that lad started it most of it off, complete t***. Hopefully banned.


    I've heard different things as to how it happened. I don't know, I mean, I wasn't fighting. I'm not a hooligan. Darlo fans ran over and provoked the Newcastle fans. Apparently some steward (a women) got punched and then it escalated into that. I was near the front, got knocked over by all of the pushing and bundled onto the pitch. I got up, looked around to see where I was and then I got pushed into someone who I fell to the floor with and that's when the video picked it up. That lad I fell on top of got pulled away and the lad in the green top kicked me straight in the ribs. I'm a Newcastle fan and so was he, don't understand why he'd kick me for unless he thought I supported Darlington, or if I did something to anger him which I know I didn't as that was the first time I'd even seen the lad. I went back to my seat and kept myself away from any confrontations and stuff. I will be absolutely angered if I was to receive a ban, I don't feel like I've done anything wrong at all. (Obviously invading the pitch) but howay, so did everyone else. The second time though I couldn't help being knocked onto the field.


    I'd memorise that statement so you'll have no trouble reciting it when the bizzies boot your front door in and drag you out of bed by your nads at 5am.




    Aye, I doubt out will happen but apparently that lad in the green caused a lot of bother at the train station also.


    You lot talking about the guy in green as in the one that gets arrested on film? How would he have been at the station?

  4. Oh well then. All i can say is well done Nile you retarded little cuntbag. What a great chance you had to grab your career by the bollocks and prove your a good player (which i think your could well be). Instead you'd rather fuck around with your gangsta Ali G mates. SEE YA. X

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