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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. Fuck.  :tickedoff: I REALLY REALLY wanted Villa to go down, and they blatantly won't now.  :-[


    There is a plus side of course.

    This is true. However, it may not have THAT great an effect on the scum, and even if it does, they'll still probably be pissing around lower-mid table anyway. Villa did genuinely look like they might have fucked off down to the championship which would have been fan-fucking-tastic.

  2. I like him and he's promising and i hope we hold onto him for a while and watch him progress, but he really can make it shit-your-pants stuff for the fans the way he backs off and backs off, allowing attacking players to get ever closer to goal. Still, i like him and i'm not having a pop, just needs to work on that.

  3. He certainly is a mixed bag. You really dont know what you are going to get. Today he showed everything, good, bad and the strange.


    While i can take some of his usual annoyances such as silly needless fouls and the awful first touch at times i have one particular gripe: His offsides.


    I cant believe how an experienced striker struggles with the basics of the game. Today there was a perfect example of this which he has done many a time. He was positioned wide out by the touchline with plenty of space and the nearest defender yards away. barton pings a great cross field ball to him and he steps forward offside. He doesn't move! Hes looking right across the line and he just stays in the same position ball watching. All he has to do is keep inline with the back four which hes in a great position to do. There was space to let the ball go infront of him. He cant run the line whatsoever. You can let him off now and again but its because they are really simple ones which makes it more frustrating.


    And its so frustrating because this is an area he could easily improve.


    Hes been a good servant to this club, Yeah hes been very poor often at times and has been very inconsistant but despite his shortcomings hes a geordie and theres been much much better players here who have treated this club and supporters like shit and put very little effort in. i like to think he genuinely tries his best every time despite his lack of ability.


    This had me thinking. He's slightly shitpants at times but he's also a bit of a fucking legend. Gets a lot of stick from the fans (especially today just before he went off), but he's scored some important goals and given us some fucking top moments over the years, agaisnt the soap-dodgers and in Europe for example. Hope when he retires, which will no doubt be at this club ( :undecided::aww:), we give him a good send off and let him know that we love 'im really.

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