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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. I want to join in the ribbing of teeth girl, but is her only crime her looks? Seems a bit nasty like.


    Honestly don't feel sorry for her mate. She seems a right yappy drama queeny bitch when i've sat near her in the ground. Seems completely unaware of the state of her face.

  2. N'Zogbia is a fucking match winner. Every good team needs a match winner. A player who can pull some mad shit out the bag when the whole teams having a shitter. Man Utd: Rooney, Hernandez etc. Chelsea: Drogba, Lampard etc. Whatever, im drunk and shit but all im saying is ALL GOOD TEAMS GOT ONE OF THEM PLAYERS WHO CAN PULL SHIT OUT THE BAG WHEN SHITS NGOING DOWN.


    I know a dude who knows Zog and apparently Zog called him and was all like 'Yeah bro im coming dw'


    u serious m8?

  3. N'Zogbia is a fucking match winner. Every good team needs a match winner. A player who can pull some mad shit out the bag when the whole teams having a shitter. Man Utd: Rooney, Hernandez etc. Chelsea: Drogba, Lampard etc. Whatever, im drunk and shit but all im saying is ALL GOOD TEAMS GOT ONE OF THEM PLAYERS WHO CAN PULL SHIT OUT THE BAG WHEN SHITS NGOING DOWN.

  4. Gervinho   Tiote   Cabaye   N'Zogbia   


                        Ben Arfa



    I'd put on a grand on us to finish top 6. And i'd encourage all of you to do the same.


    The problem would come when someone got injured and the shitness of Ryan Taylor and Danny Guthrie pervades the front 6.

    Bt Ryaan Taylr has tekkersxsss.  :penis:

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