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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. It might just be me but why do our fans sing everything as fast as possible?, it makes half the songs unrecognisable and the rest of the stadium seemingly can't keep up with each other.


    Blaydon races sang slow and loud would be amazing


    Agreed. Songs always get soopa doopa quick and just turn into loud jumbled up mumbles.

  2. Coming into a thread to write "Who cares?"  :facepalm:




    Sorry, I just don't give a fuck about the going ons at Arsenal.




  3. Something that pissed me off yesterday.  :lol: Walked 10-15 mins to the main road after the game in a shitty mood after losing and picked up some booze before we were hoping to get into a taxi, only to be told that we had to walk back to the ground as the taxi place was on the other side of the ground. As we were walking back all the NUFC buses of fans came past and gave us fuck loads of abuse, and because we don't usually wear colours they assume support the home team. This isn't the first time its happened. Walking past about 10 bus loads of abuse from YOUR OWN FANS just after you've lost is pretty rubbish.  :lol:

  4. Nile ranger was so poor. Didn't win one header against that ginger cunt collins. Got bullied all game and looked like he just couldn't be arsed and would rather be pissing around with his mates in a casino. How can you mis time a jump SO many times? Its just complete retardation. Lovenkrands is also about as useful as Anne Franks drumkit. We have the most toohthless strikeforce on the planet. Can you imagine any set of defenders thinking "shit, we've got to face Nile Ranger and Peter Lovenkrands tomorow". Once again, i wish i hadn't gone today and wasted my money, and this is becoming something that i'm saying FAR to often. :undecided:

  5. Haha.  It was some 50 year old fan saying he was jacking it in.  "Like West Brom's 3rd goal... it's been coming..." :lol:


    Was just coming in to see if anyone else had seen this.  :lol: Said something like 'I'll never forget that day in 197-something, but one day in 51 years just doesnt cut it. I'm done with Sunderland.'  :lol:

  6. Anyone else see a fly come and plop down on Steve Bruces face during a very close up shot of his face. He doesnt even notice. It just sat there for about 5 seconds.

  7. You wouldn't have thought 3 years ago Joey Barton would be doing talk-ins with every fan hanging on to his every word and him being many peoples favourite player.


    I've always said for me personally, I can relate to somebody like your Joey Barton over your Frank Lampards etc every day of the week.


    Lampard actually comes across as a top bloke from what i've seen and im not quite sure what your reference to him means? I remember  a while back some dickhead dj was calling him a cunt for leaving his missus and his child with nothing, Lampard then phoned up the show and tore in the dickhead dj.

  8. jack_wilshere

    Jack Wilshere

    Well done to the BCFC player who slapped Koscielny on the head when they scored, very big of you!

    1 hour ago

    Was a pathetic thing to do though.


    No different to Keown doing the same to RVN when he missed a penalty some years ago.    Still doesn't make it right though.

    Yes, but he got appropriate punishment, this seems to have been completely ignored. At the end of the day that would have f***ing wound me up and it probably would have provoked a reaction from me, he did well not to react.


    f*** off man :lol:

    Why should he f*** off? If it was someone doing it to a Newcastle player in a final you'd be on here demanding his execution. Bang out of line from Barry 'c*** face' Ferguson tbh.


    He tapped the lad on the back of the head. You'd think he stabbed him with a fucking knife.

    No you wouldn't. You'd think he slapped him on the back of head like a cock for no reason whatsoever, after his team have just sealed their first trophy in fuck knows how long.. What was the point? It was pathetic and classless. Honestly how would you feel if it was Colo who he slapped in the same situation?

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