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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. Shefki Kuqi has and 18 inch by 6 inch battering ram of a schlong which he regularly uses to destroy vaginas and knock down buildings.


    I bet you wouldnt mind spreading your hams for that schlong?


    Your well filthy, you are.

  2. Shefki Kuqi has and 18 inch by 6 inch battering ram of a schlong which he regularly uses to destroy vaginas and knock down buildings.

  3. Had some absolute shockers this season alone tbh. West Brom, Villa and Stoke were all abit shit.


    West Brom was fucking FREEZING and one of the shittest performances i've seen from NUFC in a while. Me and a mate didnt have enough money for a taxi so had to wait 40 fucking minutes for a train from some shitty station near the ground to new street.


    Villa, well, i've been to Villa 3 times now and not seen us win. Once we got beaten 4-1 and Jon Carew got a hattrick. Once we got relegated. And the other was this seasons game. 3 absolutely disgraceful performances. was a rubbish day aswell.


    Stoke was fucking cack for many reasons.


    Forest away last year was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly shit too.

  4. Spurs when we won 4-1 with kk and then the 3-2 with oba's screamer were both quality. The 2-2 at West Ham when we were 2-0 down before 10 mintues and then scored 2 in like 1 minute just before half time. Couldn't belive it when our second went in.


    Also kk's first points for us, the second time he was in charge was a cold tuesday night at birmingham, james mc fadden scored for them in the first half, michael owen missed about 15 sitters before finally slotting one very late and it was chaos in the away end!


    However my favourite away trip of recent times was Peterboro last year. Could hardly move the terrace was so packed and everyone was in a party mood due to us basically promoting ourselves. We won 3-2 and Joey scored a laaaavely free kick. Fans were phenomenal that day.

  5. DJ Cambell, how many bloody times has be scored against us now? I remember it was against us for Yeading that he made his name. One of those irritatingly poor players that always has a stormer against us.


    There's a sure fire way of making sure these players have shitters in Newcastle games, sign them.



  6. 1-0 to us. Enrique gets the ball dances past half a dozen players before entering the box and finishing off his mazy run by slotting it under Reina. He celebrates by removing his shirt to reveal a vest which says "Fuck off Phil Thompson" and runs over to the dugout where he signs a new 7 year deal before high fiving Pardew and getting a bear hug off Kuqi.


    N-O goes into meltdown because the body language experts on here adjudge his high five to be lacking in "radness", a sure sign he wants away.



  7. Anyone else think these games are just completely ruined by cheating? The amount of diving, play acting, ref surrounding etc is beyond belief. Dont really watch much spanish football but i know quite a few on here do. How can you watch this? I know theres a little bit of it in england but not nearly as much. I mean christ, they literally look as if they've been pelted with bullets from a shotgun, and once the ref has dealt with the problem they're up again running about. Just a bit of a joke tbh. 

  8. As long as we don't go near the slow Spurs songs.  Abysmal.




    Pisses all over anything we have.





    We've done that before in L7.  The slow version.


    Blaydon Races done properly pisses on it anyway.


    Blaydon Races is rarely done properly though. Nearly always sang at the speed of light. And the slow version of 'Oh when the mags' is still sped up by mongs around the ground.

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