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Posts posted by Steggy

  1. jack_wilshere

    Jack Wilshere

    Well done to the BCFC player who slapped Koscielny on the head when they scored, very big of you!

    1 hour ago

    Was a pathetic thing to do though.


    No different to Keown doing the same to RVN when he missed a penalty some years ago.    Still doesn't make it right though.

    Yes, but he got appropriate punishment, this seems to have been completely ignored. At the end of the day that would have f***ing wound me up and it probably would have provoked a reaction from me, he did well not to react.


    fuck off man :lol:

    Why should he fuck off? If it was someone doing it to a Newcastle player in a final you'd be on here demanding his execution. Bang out of line from Barry 'cunt face' Ferguson tbh.

  2. Was sitting near that stalker bitch some of you lot chat about on here. She was wearing a Simpson shirt and shes grim.


    At least it was Ryan Taylor that got sent off, if i had to pick somebody from that starting like up to go it would've been him. Also, why the f*** were the mong-brigrade applauding him off the field and singing his name? What on f***ing earth had he done to deserve that? He'd just got sent off like a complete f***ing bellend, making it much less likely for us to win. Stupid c***s.


    I guess people just wanted to support him being supporters and all.  You could see he knew he had done wrong.


    Sorry but no. The way he got some standing ovation as if he was Sir Bobby back from the dead was abit of a pisstake.

  3. Was sitting near that stalker bitch some of you lot chat about on here. She was wearing a Simpson shirt and shes grim.


    At least it was Ryan Taylor that got sent off, if i had to pick somebody from that starting like up to go it would've been him. Also, why the fuck were the mong-brigrade applauding him off the field and singing his name? What on fucking earth had he done to deserve that? He'd just got sent off like a complete fucking bellend, making it much less likely for us to win. Stupid cunts.

  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/9404893.stm


    Blackpool goal: No doubt about the penalty, awarded after Sebastien Bassong clumsily barges DJ Campbell over in the box. No doubt about the penalty either, Charlie Adam - who almost joined Spurs in January - steps up and clinically despatches it past Heurelho Gomes with that trusty left foot of his.


    Bassong always seems to be giving away penalties. Williamson has turned out better for us than Bassong has for Tottenham.


    What a load of steaming bollocks. Bassong has been awesome when called upon but seems like he's having a mare tonight so far. A big reason why we made top 4 last season.


    Why the f*** do you trawl our board when your team is playing? :lol:


    I'm at work so not watching game.


    Why the fuck do you jump on everything i say btw? does your wife/girlfriend not love you? were you a neglected child? do you smell?


    Do you smell. :lol:

  5. He phoned up because he had a few questions he wanted answered. Hardly beyond the box office's job description to help with ticketing is it? And why should people be "warned" about others moving near to them? Not everyone in level 7 is a drunken charver idiot you know! Shock, horror! People at football matches wanting to sing and chant! If others need a warning of this then maybe they should be rethinking their leisure time plans.




    I'd imagine that it's this kind of attitude which will be causing concern to the club, and those who already hold a season ticket in the L4 corner.


    What kind of attitude?


    Which you knew, of course.


    No, enlighten me


    :lol: Aye, OK. It was bolded in my original response. Is this better?


    And why should people be "warned" about others moving near to them? Not everyone in level 7 is a drunken charver idiot you know! Shock, horror! People at football matches wanting to sing and chant! If others need a warning of this then maybe they should be rethinking their leisure time plans.


    Actually it is, cos I was on my phone before and didn't see what you had bolded.


    So the fact that people want to sing and chant at a match is wrong in your opinion? Why?


    :lol: Where did I say it was wrong?


    However, it's not just the singing and chanting, is it? The vast majority also stand, as others have pointed out. I know you're embarking on another moral crusade to protect those who occupied L7C, but you've given a real insight into the attitude of most, if not all, of the people who sat there. It's this attitude that will cause problems when attempting to relocate to an area where this behaviour is not 'the norm'.



    :dowie: :facepalm:


  6. Can't believe someone has even suggested that it's a 'non issue'.


    The captain of a football club, regardless of where he's from, shouldn't be giving an interview to the football club that have just taken one of our brightest prospects from us.


    He's supposed to be the voice and leader of the team - not exactly giving a great message out talking about how great Liverpool are and how great an opportunity it is for Carroll.


    Can't wait for his "It's terrible for the club to see Andy leave" interview in the coming weeks - aye, you sounded f***ing devastated on LFC-TV like.


    Fat cunt probably won't even do that. Fuck sake, before we know it he'll be opening his flabby gob for NUFCTV, wanking over Carroll's move to Shitholepool.

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