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Everything posted by ponsaelius

  1. I don't think it's been that bad. There's been quite a few chances ultimately.
  2. Hawer man guys, that facepalm is genius.
  3. Okay, which twat ruined the poll?
  4. It's not just flair though. There's no legs in that midfield either.
  5. Forlan punched above his weight? They Have to stick the knife in don't they.
  6. Waiting patiently for some cunt to vote ITV...
  7. We'd have Nolan, Smith, Guthrie, Barton and possibly Gosling. I doubt we'll look for another central midfielder. I know, it's the hope that kills you. Guzman can play wide like...clutching at straws...
  8. I'd rather have De Guzman than Gosling tbh, would offer us something different and would be good to go from the start. Still, both would be lovely.
  9. Disagree with the first bit, Robben is the biggest cunt of the lot in that team. Sneijder deserves this trophy more than him, he's a class act.
  10. Bullshit article, trying to squash as much s*** into 1 piece as possible.
  11. I've enjoyed it. Some good games, some upsets and the standard of football got better as the tournament went on. Voted as 'good'. Can't wait for Brazil 2014
  12. Poorly researched, poorly written and laced with xenophobia. However in terms of viewpoint this is pretty much the way a lot Italy thinks.
  13. Just read that the chances of his predictions being right the whole way through are 0.116%. He's one game away from it, ridiculous
  14. But then some players had the oppurtunity to play more games in qualifying. Do you suggest like Goals per game ratio or something? Same goes in the actual WC. Some players play more games than others, but not suggesting anything really, just pointing out the absurdity of it. Yeah but players play different amounts of games in the real thing due to injuries, suspensions or just not being selected. In qualifying the teams might actually play more games. For example Netherlands only played 8 games in qualifying while Uruguay played 18. I agree thought, it's a bit stupid and the least minutes thing is the best idea.
  15. Simple? Sense? Remember this is FIFA.
  16. But then some players had the oppurtunity to play more games in qualifying. Do you suggest like Goals per game ratio or something?
  17. Yeah pretty sure Premiership top scorer, CL top scorer etc are all shared when it's draw.
  18. Correct. Villa or Sneijder though. what, f*** off? seriously? I know. Stupid rule, should just give it to Forlan for being a hero.
  19. Correct. Villa or Sneijder though.
  20. I was out my seat there like. Need to acquire a Diego Uruguay top. Cheapest I've been able to find is like £70. Gonna have to go fake.
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