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@Matt1892 is desperate to find some metric to use to claim Howe has underachieved so he should be sacked, this was him this time last year:
That's the point though, isn't it? That we're a few years down the line from the takeover with some members clearly very active in that time, as in going to great effort and expense to get to every game. And there's nothing separating them in the cup final criteria from people who applied for one ballot or STHs who didn't even go to any cup games. You say members want to take stuff from STHs like the opportunity to go to away games - what is your ideal scenario then, that away tickets are ringfenced for the same group of people indefinitely? There's no excuse for it being such a closed shop to such an extreme degree, and I would very much support a small percentage of away tickets being available to members so that they can at least get to the odd away game and build up a few points.
Liverpool have 27k season ticket holders versus our 32k (Google). There's not a huge difference. So you get the unfair situation we've been debating for weeks - that active members who are attending most or all games (often including all cup games) were thrown in the same pot for <1k tickets as STHs who attended no cup games and members who'd applied for one cup ballot. In the pots above them you had STHs who attended 5/4/3/2/1 league cup games.
Why is it crazy talk? There are people spending countless hours, more money and subjecting themselves to more hassle than STHs who pay (less) once a year then sit on their arse knowing they have a ticket. If it's so crazy why are other clubs doing it? Then you say the cup scheme should have ended all arguments, again this is only open to STHs. I'll remind you season tickets are a closed shop and have been for many years, there's no way in for active members. You want active members to just commit themselves to additional expense, time and hassle, with zero recognition for doing so, indefinitely? Then you say you think we should have zero season ticket holders in a new ground, that's gonna be fun selling 65k tickets match by match and every fucker having to find their seat each match. And I'm sure the almighty STHs would stand for it with no issues. You've wound your neck in a bit from last night's embarrassment but you're still full of shit.
It makes perfect sense that this is happening with the tight ticket criteria and the clampdown on IDs etc. I went to quite a few aways in the 2010s in particular and I never bought a ticket from the club or even knew where the ticket came from. Our group was young, drunk and loud, and I'd imagine there were plenty in the exact same scenario. Closing off the sale/attendance of literally everything to an ageing and likely entitled group of spectators (rather than supporters) is clearly going to lead to this. I'm not saying all STHs are llke that and there'll still be plenty going who are very vocal in their support but gatekeeping tickets this way is so disappointing. Much like the cup final, why can't a certain percentage of tickets be sold to active members? Why is the system so geared towards "the rich getting richer" in terms of season tickets, points etc?