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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Love it how we've converted VI like, get in.
  2. I've only hit it about 3 times Dave, but each time I've been on the verge of killing myself.
  3. Here. Is there any chance you can get rid of the "MARK READ" button in the top right? I've just hit the fucker again. I see no useful reason for it being there and it's an absolute pain in the arse when you hit it accidentally, especially when you've not been on the forum for a few hours. Very annoying.
  4. Interpolic

    Alan Pardew

    Sounds like his approach to fanny.
  5. And here is a picture of that goal http://www.jarrowandhebburngazette.com/webimage/1.3989646.1321883243!image/3178299876.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_595/3178299876.jpg
  6. :lol: Don't know why I found this so funny. Because he's ranking an imaginary game he's just came up with, tickled me as well.
  7. Boos must have been for the ref tbf.
  8. Interpolic


    Stolen. Same, my plagiarism of this place on Facebook is shameful these days.
  9. Interpolic


  10. What? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/mario-balotelli-interrupted-inter-press-conference-caretaker-manager-164945926.html
  11. Interpolic


  12. Steady on, it was one game. Wew soz. Are you his Dad or summit like? You're good for the odd completely off the wall comment out of nowhere like.
  13. Interpolic

    Papiss Cissé

    :lol: 2 of the funniest things I've seen on here in a while.
  14. I hope we do prepare for the possibility of Taylor being out for a significant part of the season going forward, since it seems to happen every year.
  15. If Coloccini was playing I'd really fancy us, we're in far better form than them. Draw will do.
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