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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. More Mario drama. He's kicked the dressing room door in or something by the sound of it.
  2. That wasn't an easy chance for Carroll but the end result was comical.
  3. 4 years left on a 5 year contract isn't it? Ahhh bisto. It's a juicy Brucie bonus alright.
  4. He really needs to learn when to shut up. It's got to the point where I'm fed up with a daft cunt who went to prison for knocking seven shades of shit out of someone lecturing me and everyone else about morals.
  5. That's us back to joint best defence in the league again.
  6. That's their default setting man, no announcement required. But yes, very good. It's quite weird, I'm presuming that they're testing some security measure but who knows what.
  7. "COMMENCE OPERATION ANFIELD EXERCISE"? What the fuck's that all about (Mike)?
  8. Aguero did brilliantly before the last bit there. Nobody does wronged injustice like Liverpool fans - I think we're quite good at it but they're on another planet.
  9. Mike fielding insults all over the shop this afternoon.
  10. The minute's applause felt right to me, the news was very fresh and the official minute of applause was preceded by a minute or 2 of almost complete silence anyway. Everyone was muted and shellshocked so it seemed like a good opportunity to break the silence in a respectful way, wasn't exactly raucous or anything.
  11. 0-0 was such an obvious scoreline in FUCKING HINDSIGHT FFS. Why do I only realise after the match?
  12. Interpolic

    Alan Pardew

    The first thing I did was click on the post to see if he'd went to the trouble of editing it. As soon as I saw him referring to dates. Honest.
  13. Interpolic

    Alan Pardew

    Howay man, are you saying I actually believed it? Very good anyway Jon.
  14. Interpolic

    Alan Pardew

    Wish I was a little more specific but think I was quite fair on Pardew tbh. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. I know, he's spooked me good and proper.
  15. Interpolic

    Alan Pardew

    Wish I was a little more specific but think I was quite fair on Pardew tbh. Fucking hell, that's insane.
  16. Ah, that answers my question. Unbelievable.
  17. For those that watched Football Focus was he actually sat in the studio yesterday or was it a feature which would have been filmed last week. Very shaken by this, can't understand it. It's a horrible shame if he felt he couldn't reach out to anyone. Hopefully another wake up call to those that trivialise depression at every opportunity just because they can't comprehend it themselves. And what a great guy and a top player for us, a player you could be proud of. RIP Gary Speed.
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