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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Enjoy your last 6 months here Danny, before fucking off to your sub-par blowjobs, you sub-par right back.
  2. Simpson should of been shouting at Cisse there to warn him. he had no clue he was there.
  3. “What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it. It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love.” if only Alex has remembered that before calling us 'wee'
  4. and they only have to be in the squad dont they? and not actually played.
  5. Why mate? As a football club Man United's turnover is larger they and have more income than any other football club in the world (inc Barca & Real) yet we can't compete with clubs like Chelsea, PSG, Man City. If you look at our net spend over the past 5 years it is actually less than a lot of other clubs in the Premier League. you've just replied to an Everton fan, on a NUFC forum, you sure you want to moan about your problems competing financially?
  6. this should make me feel angry, but i can't help but laugh. i mean it really is a brilliant cross between 'my dads bigger than your dad' and 'they started it miss'
  7. aye mate, i'm sure if your employer treated you like s*** you'd think "oh well, i guess thats okay, seeing as they pay me" dosn't matter what agenda you've got against Shola, hes still a human being and an employee of the club, no need for a manager to do that in any organisation, which i doubt Pardew did. Shola's been treated like royalty here by just about everyone bar Allardyce and Keegan who knew exactly what his value to the club was. Spot on. He's a crock of shit who has been afforded god like status for the odd goal against the mackems. so you think that just because hes a shit footballer the manager should treat him like shit? aye because that'll help us, what with our abundance of back-up forwards
  8. aye mate, i'm sure if your employer treated you like shit you'd think "oh well, i guess thats okay, seeing as they pay me" dosn't matter what agenda you've got against Shola, hes still a human being and an employee of the club, no need for a manager to do that in any organisation, which i doubt Pardew did.
  9. why is he warming up if hes not in the squad though?
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