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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. it's definatly the concrete floor that makes it so cold, like putting your feet on a block of ice on these days.
  2. "we're not racist , promise, look, we even have a black strip".
  3. didn't deserve to lose. worst part is, probably the first time i've been able to say that.
  4. why does the ref not stop it straight away? as is the rules for a head injury.
  5. was worried we would go a whole half without seeing it for a second there.
  6. williamson then , clearly been told not to hoof and unsure what else to do
  7. Ours or theirs? Going to be such a low-quality game. i meant ours, but could be talking about either, this is going to be a long match.
  8. starting to get pumped up for this. why do i do this every game, you'd think i'd know by now its only going to end badly
  9. 10 years ago today he was playing at SJP in the champions league. RIP. still can't believe he's gone really.
  10. moved from a 3 to a 6, think the way we reacted in the second half was vital to our season and we failed.
  11. no, we wouldn't get any better, we sack him and we're in freefall.
  12. get rid of him and who would replace him? no-one whos able to pull this around. lose-lose situation. we're fucked basically.
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