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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. one of the plus points of watching them
  2. wanted blackburn to win before kick off, their fans are making this increasingly difficult.
  3. only a matter of time before it has a twitter like the anfield cat.
  4. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/newcastle-united-show-why-selfrespect-now-reigns-on-tyneside-7718601.html
  5. Because it was scored in May. Well that's because it was in May. aye, realised as soon as i posted that. ooops.
  6. cisse and ben arfa the first two in goal of the month .
  7. that a verified account? if so fair play but you think he'd be able to get someone to spell check for him.
  8. the fans near me at the match today were shouting the complete opposite, he got plenty of abuse on a few occassions, before he scored anyway. personally i thought he played alright.
  9. when playing; when its absolutly pissing it down, so hard and cold it hurts. the type of weather where apart from football all you want to is be inside and put the radiators on full blast.
  10. doubt they honestly had any clue if that was in or not. but great decision.
  11. just got back from hillsbrough. decent game, good atmosphere, glad to see them promoted. nile ranger looked average really, he was getting plenty of abuse from a bloke a few seats away from me too.
  12. ended up watching videos of his management tonight, what a man, wish he could of been here to of seen this team, the likes of Cisse and Ben Arfa would of been right up his street, I grew up with Sir Bobby, he may of just been a football manager to many, but to people my age he was a hero, a father, a legend, I am what I am today partially because of him. nobody can underestimate the influence he has had on the region and I hope I can come up with something worthy of his cause, that raises money for his charity, if anybody has any idea on how to raise money for his charity feel free to message me and I’ll certainly consider it, going to raise money the best way I can for his charity this summer.
  13. my god. i'm sitting here in absolute silence. dunno what to say or do or think. i can't believe that actually just happened. wow. just wow.
  14. the one time hes not standing on the other side of the box to everyone else.
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