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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Samba? i thought this thread was meant to be realistic?
  2. he seemed okay against chelsea for me... obviously no where near the standard we've come to expect with Taylor and Colo, but not as bad as he was at the start of last season, so if Colo is fit i think he might be fine.
  3. what the fuck. i'm not sure what was worse, the defender or Richardson
  4. that mask is comical like he's no stevey taylor.
  5. 100 mil his release clause is 1bn if i'm not mistaken, and they wouldn't sell for any less imo.
  6. i thought there was practically no money in the europa league, can remember stoke's chairman complaining about it not being good for them financially.
  7. well at least he got his wish. RIP
  8. Think Abeid's off qualifying for the Olympic or something, unless he's already back of course. he's back, got knocked out.
  9. from .com Tavernier and Henderson are out on loan and Dummet and Folan are injured too.
  10. i fuckin despise that man...never realised how much of a c*** he is till he went to cuntsville Always thought he was a bit of prick even when he was at Birmingham. Such a whiny dick. remember him throwing a hissy fit against us at home last year.
  11. http://twitter.com/#!/BrianDurand56/status/143359618377199616/photo/1 stay classy sunderland...
  12. i don't know about you guys, but i'm green with envy right now...
  13. lovely flick, good counter. pretty poor keeping like.
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