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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. that sign compared to Sir Bobby's enthusiasm about the quality of the doors
  2. Gibraltar only lost 4-0, better than Brazil
  3. liking Alnwick's Howardesque beard
  4. Everton, Obesity rates: Newcastle Utd 22.55% Sunderland 26.10% Everton 27.28% http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-27328674
  5. Just harmless banter really. I doubt the West Brom fans, who are a great set of fans by the way, will be losing too much sleep over it. Too many people have gone soft these days. Abusing opposition supporters used to be a staple diet for any supporter but a lot of modern day fans get all precious over it. No wonder atmospheres are practically non existent in PL stadiums these days. Thought our support down there sounded top class on the telly. I wasn't too bothered about it before, but now its been described as 'harmless banter' it seems horrific
  6. we're 2-0 up, theres 1 min left, what is the point apart from to be an absolute cunt
  7. Fucking seriously? Yep. 100% serious. At least it was quiet and seemed to go away quickly
  8. Dummet is a much better player when he can stick to simple defending.
  9. Abeid's. What is the one next to that? A goal attempt from 40 yards that would have gone well wide and got blocked three yards in? Was it not another shot from Abeid?
  10. player gets pulled down in the Man U box and the commentator thinks that would be a soft pen?
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