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Everything posted by LucaAltieri

  1. I see Bradley has decided to wake up, too. About time.
  2. So nervy. Shit scared more like. If this was being played in Florida the Ghanaians would be down to ten men, at least.
  3. Fuck sake. Every time we get forward we give the ball away with a stupid mishit pass. Playing like a bunch of paranoid schizophrenics.
  4. USA really well organized. Have defended since the restart and don't look troubled at all.
  5. The guy that came on for Altidore looks worse Very different player. Offers more. Way better on the ball.
  6. Instead let's cut to Tim Vickery with a faulty microphone.
  7. Ghana shite & dirty. Muntari still barely a footballer. USA need a bit more patience with their final ball. Giving it away too easily when they're on for a break. Early contender for MOTM: Altidore for unselfishly removing himself from the match and letting someone decent on to the field. Need to get Jones and Beasley off and put on someone with some pace.
  8. Why do all these black men have it in for the white guy with dreads?
  9. In fairness, Biden thought this was the final Spurs/Heat game.
  10. We just watched Shola Ameobi play in the World Cup.
  11. Henry, Seedorf, and Danny Murphy... one of these things is not like the other.
  12. Besler, Beckerman, Bradley, Dempsey... nice MLS spine to the team.
  13. http://www.fastrackonline.net/flags/images.1/LargeUSFlag.gif
  14. I thought he had a relatively good game. Came within mere yards of scoring.
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