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Everything posted by Chrisjraby

  1. Left side is absolutely chronic at the moment, make some bloody subs
  2. How is it that every bloody attack seems to end up with Longstaff?!
  3. Why the hell is Isak still on, jesus christ Eddie lad
  4. Need isak off now, leaving burn even more exposed
  5. Barnes on for Murphy seems like it won't be far away at this rate
  6. I really like Almiron, but him beating a man and turning back gets so bloody infuriating when the defence then get everyone behind the ball
  7. Referee has literally never had control of this game
  8. If this gets overturned then football is fucked
  9. Hickey getting away with fucking murder in this game
  10. What have we done to deserve Don Goodman commentating on our games, bloke is an absolute fucking clown
  11. We're so desperate for a natural left back in the team, every time Burn gets the ball he nearly always turns back, he rarely ever looks to play down the line
  12. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, fucking sick
  13. Funny how this timewasting is going completely unpunished eh
  14. Well we know how this game is going to go don't we, fucking disgrace
  15. McCoist must be being paid by Foden for this commentary
  16. Big Joe has looked completely out of his depth tonight, hasn't had the same intensity today at all
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