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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Sears about to come on, overrated as f***. Watch him score now. :/ EDIT: FUCK, watch us get Arsenal away now.
  2. On the bright side, it dosent look like its going to be Arsenal or Manure again this year. WE HAVE A CHANCE LADS.
  3. Defoe = Better version of Owen, with pace.
  4. What if Colo and Enrique got injured at home to Plymouth in the next round? It could happen, and it'd be a needless risk finding out. It'd be an utterly pointless waste of two of our most important players. Aye we can compete in two competitions but i'd rather be 100% healthy for the league, than 90%/10% healthy with the cup thrown in there as a needless distraction. We've hardly got a particularly fit squad anyway. I honestly see absolutely no gain from going for it in the cup, that's all i'm saying. Morale boost? Nah... we're top as it is and i'd like to keep it that way. IT COULD HAPPEN IN THE LEAGUE! Why bother playing Colo and Enrique against Reading? We don't really need the 3 points, we're already top atm. We might as well rest than instead of play them - they might get injured. , But we need them in a cup run which eventually we wont win?
  5. Rooney > Heskey > Defoe > Bent > Crouch > Owen Defoe is the new Owen, FACT.
  6. Think we may be in for the second shock of the day, his persistence of playing a second-string might punish him now.
  7. Teams with strength in depth always do well in the league, we dont have that. Oh wait..... Teams that put out their 1st team usually do better regardless of what competition it is. Yes, but I didnt mean strength in depth as in play the subs, I meant play the 1st team in the cup, and have decent/adequate replacements for the league if players get injured in the cup, we dont have replacements good enough. You do realise in terms of injuries, this season has been nothing compared to the previous ones right? And when we did get injuries, Shola and Jonas, we had a blip. I get your point, but you can't second guess when/if a player is going to pick up an injury by looking at the fixture list. Could be next game, could be next year, could be never.... Aye but the more the fixtures the higher the chances, I suppose. Meh. Im all in for a good cup run dont get me wrong, I mean its not unusual for a CCC club to do well, Cardiff got to the finals not so long ago.
  8. Not what I've heard. and whats your itk http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/Smileys/Lots_O_Smileys/marley.png <- His ITK
  9. Teams with strength in depth always do well in the league, we dont have that. Oh wait..... Teams that put out their 1st team usually do better regardless of what competition it is. Yes, but I didnt mean strength in depth as in play the subs, I meant play the 1st team in the cup, and have decent/adequate replacements for the league if players get injured in the cup, we dont have replacements good enough. You do realise in terms of injuries, this season has been nothing compared to the previous ones right? And when we did get injuries, Shola and Jonas, we had a blip.
  10. Teams that put out their 1st team usually do better regardless of what competition it is. Yes, but I didnt mean strength in depth as in play the subs, I meant play the 1st team in the cup, and have decent/adequate replacements for the league if players get injured in the cup, we dont have replacements good enough.
  11. Time for the awful punditry of Ray Parlour, christ. Especially now that Arsenal are losing.
  12. Teams with strength in depth always do well in the cup, we dont have that.
  13. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,1780_5829623,00.html?
  14. Ah what the hell, not this again, how many threads are we going to have this discussion on. Promotion priority, with a decent cup run would be nice, I had no problem with the team Hughton put out yesterday, Id be happy to get to the 4th/5th round this season, and thats it really.
  15. Thinking that as well. Haven't got a clue who half of their squad are these days.
  16. Seen that, its class^^ f***ing hell, Ray Parlour is an awful pundit.
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