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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Whats wrong with the Football League show?
  2. Filthy fucking scum. ACN = Honestly never understood the timing.
  3. Thats IF they played against West Brom and they arent, its just an imaginary scenario, and you know thats what I meant. We were talking the next two weeks then you bring in a match which doesnt happen til late March and expect me to be a mind reader? If you seriously think that Reading have suddenly become a good team after 1 draw then good for you, most people reailse 1 result doesnt make a season. Players find extra for FA Cup games you know, it doesnt suddenly alter the fact they arent relegation strugglers at present. Now we are going to have most of our first choice team with no football since 28th December til 18th Jan(unless he goes full strength in the cup) its hardly a bonus. Their going to go through a honey-moon period under their interim-soon-to-be-manager you can just tell, the same thing is happening with Plymouth right now, its predictable as fuck. As far as the "Extra effort" for the cup, yeah thats no surprise, Im within the "most people" catetigory that you say, but the fact its us and their high on confidence, and how teams always want to grab the headlines by beating us in this league which is why I feared them. As far as the fitness front goes, your right, it is a massive disadvantage.
  4. I swear to god, I want to smash the ever living crap out of Fellaini in that picture. In any case, arent you already packed on defenders? :lol: This is the second comment on that picture. We've got a lot of centre backs but Yobo has gone drastically backwards, Distin is s*** and Lucas Neill is out of contract in the summer. So that leaves Heitinga who I like and Jagielka who has been crocked for about 9 months. I wouldn't mind seeing us shift Yobo and/or Distin in the summer and snapping up Killgallon. Sorry, its just that it pisses me off. In any case, Im surprised, was expecting Lucas Neill to do well for you.
  5. I swear to god, I want to smash the ever living crap out of Fellaini in that picture. In any case, arent you already packed on defenders?
  6. Thats IF they played against West Brom and they arent, its just an imaginary scenario, and you know thats what I meant.
  7. spot on tbh. Has some good things that the game is off. Well if we get beat against WBA we could have well and truly wasted our lead at the top, some blessing that would be The way Reading played against Liverpool Id fancy them to beat West Brom, so im just happy that the match has been delayed for Reading to get back to their usual selves when we play them again. Either way, if we lost against WBA at home and wasted our lead at the top, it will not be because of the Reading match, nor WBA match, it will be because of the two draws to poor opposition in the last two games of December.
  8. Well, could be a blessing in disguise, their confidence is sky high after that result against Liverpool, a beating in the cup will drag them back down to earth, which is exactly where we want to play them, on their usual being shite at home.
  9. You just know someone else will come in after our interest & he'll end up doing brilliantly Arshavin style.
  10. Must admit, the fat bastid is one of my favourite players this season.
  11. I can see them turning it down, just for the main reason of us being Newcastle United. Then Becks going to someone like Spurs on a free.
  12. If hes got any brains, he should take the chance and go, he'll be their most important player. A regular, and playing for a side who has a bright near future.
  13. Hope so Although always thought he was an average championship defender at best.
  14. After declaring his love for the club and saying he wont leave, then he fucks off to Villa, fuck that, Beye was alright in my eyes until that moment.
  15. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Leeds-place-2million-price-tag-on-FA-Cup-hero-Jermaine-Beckford-article277939.html?
  16. Now I know where we got the money for the Beckford bid.
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