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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Hate the way Drury says Carzola, sounds like he just had mouth surgery
  2. Just laughed as Jerome attempted that. Went in
  3. Ameritoon

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Fergie Knew this wasn't going to be pretty when Pardew spoke up. What a condescending prick.
  4. This man should not keep getting jobs.
  5. Hate Stoke, but this is pretty fun.
  6. No Cameron or Shawcross for Stoke this weekend. They might actually have to play a natural fullback.
  7. Slagging my mother however? That was a joke ffs. Tiniest, tiniest little bit of stick I gave and I got crucified. What do you expect though? Most of us are tense as fuck after that, and most of our anger is directed at Sir Alex and Man Utd fans. Won't take much to make someone angry.
  8. Can only blame our defense when it came to simple clearances, played so well going forward. Can only hope we build from this.
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