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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Jagielka makes some baffling decisions sometimes.
  2. Can't believe that just happened. Atkinson needs a serious review after that. Ridiculous decision.
  3. Sammy just keeps getting better and better.
  4. Staggering that you would include Barton in that list. Not as much when you consider the poster.
  5. Ameritoon


    It's beyond ridiculous how boring Owen is. Absolutely no personality there, at all.
  6. Quack Quack Quack QUACK QUACK QUACK!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
  7. http://rlv.zcache.com/usa_number_one_design_poster-p228131561193475795t5wm_400.jpg
  8. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/36024_133601293334153_120097881351161_250614_2951611_n.jpg
  9. Ameritoon


    One of their few decent performers this season. Awesome.
  10. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/06/13/article-0-0A022551000005DC-375_468x286.jpg
  11. Our backline is so fucking awful, outside of Chandler. Not surprising when Jay DeMerit has been our best defender for the past few years I'm confident enough in having a similar four years to the last considering our midfield is good enough, and Agudelo and Jozy come around well.
  12. Ameritoon


    That post will live on forever.
  13. Gordon Strachan has minimal tv composure at best.
  14. Ameritoon


    Yes, his players are trying too hard, which would obviously mean they're struggling.
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