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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Thats it, I'm posting spoilers, if I can't be happy no one can! Not that I haven't read the series multiple times. Lions are better run than NUFC. Crazy shit, right? And all progress will be lost if there is no season next year. I'm going to explode. My fault, man. I was trying to cheer you up. You have done your best.
  2. Thats it, I'm posting spoilers, if I can't be happy no one can! Not that I haven't read the series multiple times. Lions are better run than NUFC. Crazy shit, right? And all progress will be lost if there is no season next year. I'm going to explode.
  3. Thats it, I'm posting spoilers, if I can't be happy no one can! Not that I haven't read the series multiple times.
  4. I'm going to read Harry Potter. It's the only thing that makes me happy.
  5. He's going to be great. Can't wait. I'd be losing my shit if he signed for us. Likewise, would've been awesome. Now I'm just depressed. fuck.
  6. Talking about the summer is going to make me cry. Fuck off.
  7. Wasn't sure where to direct my animosity all day. It is now at Ashley and I'll stick with this.
  8. I hope no one gets even the slightest hopes that it won't go through in time. You're setting yourself up for a week of binge drinking.
  9. Rather have Elmander than any of the other mentioned players.
  10. Can't stand to see his highlights anymore. What could have been...
  11. To Liverpool of all places. It be one thing if it were London, but he's been a Newcastle fan his whole life, this should be his dream.
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