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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Just did as well. Perfect stuff. Not sure what I was doing at the time, but didn't even notice the Barton sub. Must've been running around the house turning green and ripping my shirt off from all the emotion or something.
  2. Love how angry Hughton got when Ferguson was blatantly pushed and the ref called for their throw-in. Just pretty much love anyone associated with this team at this point, every player that's made an appearance this season really cares. It's great.
  3. The fucking reason to follow football right there. I've lost my voice and sweating head-to-toe. Omg, what a game. Well done lads :clap:
  4. Ameritoon

    Titus Bramble

    No often does my mouth just drop when I read a headline, but it just was happened.
  5. Sandro is going to kill someone one day.
  6. Over here, I find most of the American football pundits pretty off the mark, but, when I see clips of pundits in England, they take it to a whole other level. At least people here are doing research, then making dumb opinions, where as most of them other there seem to be making dumb assertions with absolutely no research.
  7. Eh? Which review show was this, sounds mental. It's called the "Premier League Review Show" over here and is narrated by Marcus Buckland and put out by TWI. They use the commentators from the matches though and it was the same two that most people were complaining about over here. One of them literally says that Coleman's tackle on Nolan was a goal saving tackle. They also edited it together to show a bunch of Everton highlights and not really any Newcastle highlights other than the goal and the cross that Nolan put in that was deflected and Howard had to save. Maybe it's good I couldn't watch it this week. I had it dvr'd, but some WPS game cut into so I only saw the first two matches.
  8. I remember half of my team hating that rule. I never understand how it was comfortable in the first place.
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