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Everything posted by SteveR

  1. So.... Perch still at RB and Nolan up front? I want to be optimistic about this one coz I'm going, but just don't feel over confident... Lets hope Parker and Dyer are both injured in a freak warm up incident..
  2. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

  3. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    So basically pretty much what I said. Not doubting or rubbishing the possibility of him being good enough to play for madrid simply pointing out that he would sit on the bench time and time again and i'm confident that even if interest was shown, at this stage in his career, ben arfa would prefer steady football at a club such as Newcastle.
  4. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Don't doubt it but they wouldn't be interested. He would be a small fish in their squad. Do you think ben arfa would prefer to sit on the bench at madrid than play week in week out? I just said that he's good enough to play for them, nothing else. Imo he's better than Di Maria who starts for them. I hope he stays with us, and if we start earning some points and climb the table he might join us (i hope so), but we certainly have to start deliver sooner rather than later. Ah right ok. Well I hope he does choose us over a much bigger team. Would at least give us some bragging rights! haha
  5. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Don't doubt it but they wouldn't be interested. He would be a small fish in their squad. Do you think ben arfa would prefer to sit on the bench at madrid than play week in week out?
  6. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He left a club playing champions league football for a relegation club like Newcastle in the first place didn't he? Have a little faith man. Sick of reading grim, defeatist posts from negative pessimists. A club like Real Madrid would have no interest in Ben Arfa.
  7. Yeah the missus got me one for my birthday. Quite nice if not a bit cheap looking like everything else puma have made for us. Not knocking it though, I quite like it.
  8. In theory your absolutely right but in reality, when you pay 40 quid plus for a shirt you do like, you would expect it to last for more than 5 mins before they release one you don't like. I'd expect the team to use a shirt for more than little over a year to be honest.
  9. Any one? Let the wor lass figure it out. This seems to be the best bet!
  10. Does anyone know how to sensibly an correctly apply prem badges? My bird got me some for my shirt but obviously I don't want to go straight in with the iron like a barbarian coz I might melt my shirt or something??? Any one done this them selves? Whats the crack? Any advice will be appreciated???
  11. What the shitting fuck??? I don't blame them for wanting to cut all associations with the team that just underperformed on every level at the world cup and releasing a new kit is a good way to start afresh but it's waaaayyy to early for this. Do they actually expect England fans to go buy ANOTHER shirt already? I for one won't be fleeced like that. On top of this, the shirt is fuckin horrid. The collars shit and those crosses look like some kind of cheap louis vuitton rip off pattern. No doubt keep the charvas happy...
  12. Another Frenchy? what are we Arsenal???
  13. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    hahaha excellent. Now we just need to sign him and for him to emulate his efforts on your computer.
  14. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I was hovering over that ready to click I did click it. What the Fuck is that??
  15. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's him but who the hell is him, not sure it's a football agent to be honest, I expect them to be a little more professional looking, he looks like someone who's been sleeping in a metro station overnight. It's well known that football agents in France sleep in the metro...
  16. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I tried playing around with contrast etc in photoshop to see if I could make out the face any better but no luck. I'm not very good at that type of thing tho..
  17. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    they're French, what else do you expect am saying nowt!! no mention of monkeys, cheese munching or surrendering. hahah
  18. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    http://www.rmc.fr/editorial/123724/ben-arfa-a-newcastle-vendredi/ Cheers Dave.
  19. SteveR

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Sorry guys I'm a bit computer crap. Whats the link for this RMC source?
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