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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. No need to be angry at anyone really. Just need to turn that anger into support for the team.
  2. ^Signature Fail^ Glad to see this topic hasn't been posted in since he apologisedabout his comments. Like I said In a previous post....it wasn't just a team-mate it was a FRIEND that moved, ifsome people here are selfish enough to believe that iot was for any other reason they should be disgusted with themselves because , if it was me, I would have done exactly the same as KN did.
  3. SPOT ON! Lets face it with Xisco and Carroll we had 6 (arguably) Squad strikers, 4 of which were hardly used but when they were they did well so why should the club strengthen without apparent need??
  4. I have liked Nile Ranger since I saw him playing for Southampton under 18's (or whatever) and I think he can go a long way but IMO he needs to be Stronger. He won a couple of headers last night (when jonas was right behind him) and then everything else was pretty mediocre tbh. He has got an unusually small head as well which worries me.
  5. Yup seems to be hinting at something here. Hope we pull out all the stops to get him sign a new contract. With Carroll, I don't think the issue was just the amount asked for but the fact that he just signed a new contract a few months ago and the management rightly (or wrongly to some) did not want to create a precedent where players can renegotiate a new contract so soon after signing a new one. Hopefully the fact that Enrique has not signed a new contract would make the case different coz he is one of the few that I think we should bust our wage cap for. or Lost in Translation?
  6. I took that to mean that when it was first decided he was going. I don't get the impression that Nolan encouraged him to move.
  7. So are you f***ing happy for our players to act in anyway they like and talk about any club they like. Seems like you are. People will celebrate his goals because we have little choice of who is signed or not, because they support NUFC not Kevin Nolan. I am not Happy with what he done but I am certainly not down in the mouth about it, Whats done is done, who gives a fuck who he did an interview with? he could have had the interview with Sunderland and I really would not give a shit. NUFC til I die, Not Kevin Nolan or Andy Carroll but NUFC! If what he said is unnacceptable to you, how come you aren't slagging off Joey Barton for some of the PHYSICAL things he has done or is it acceptable for him?
  8. I CANNOT Believe the attitude of some people on here. It FUCKING STINKS and that includes some people I would never have put down as twats. All the haters will be Licking his ass the next time he scores a winner. Bunch of 2 faced pricks!
  9. FFS Some Peoples reactions on here really f*** me off. SO what If Kevin Nolan said that to Andy Carroll for one reason or another they have seemingly formed quite a friendship whilst playing for the club and if I was in Kevin Nolans Boots, I would have said exactly the same thing to any one of my mates. What people have to realise is that we may never know exactly what happened yesterday as far as bids, transfer requests, contract negotiations blah blah but what we do know is that AC9 is now a Liverpool player and lets face it, they were playing in Europe last season whilst we were playing Scunthorpe and their RECENT success is far greater than our own so he is goving his former Team-mate some good Motivation IMO at a time when, Possibly, AC is not feeling too great about events. Footballers are going to do and say some funny things at times so lets just stop this s*** and concentrate on whats important.........The Club! [/rant]
  10. I Hate to say it but he was very Composed in the interview I just saw. I hate to say it but I think he is growing on me.
  11. I think that Liverpool is just the wrong place to have gone tbf.
  12. No need. We are 12/15 points form safety and it is VERY aceivable. Lets give Ameobi, Loven, Ranger and Best a proper go at it afterall look what happened with Carroll when he got the opportunity as a first team player.....He took it!
  13. After being absolutely gutted yesterday I have woken up this morning with a clearer head (still abit gutted though). After seeing the 'Alleged' Texts, it really would not surprise me if they were true. I think that the whole transfer request thing is absolute bollocks, I think that Ashley (or whoever) wanted to accept the bid but given that the guy always seems to be walking on thin Ice when it comes to his decision making SOMEHOW managed to Persuade / (Dare i say Blackmail) AC into putting one in OR there is the fact that he did not put a transfer request in at all and the club announced that he had. The players have more than likely got some privacy clauses in their contracts which does not allow them to talk about the club without permission so the player would not be able to refute/Deny any claims that he had put a transfer request in making him to look like the dick instead of Cashley (who we all know deep down IS invoved in this malarkey). At theend of the day if Cashley was any sort of businessman he would have made sure that there was a buy-back clause included as part of the deal.
  14. wont be waiting to much longer then. I think its in the next hour isnt it? Fully expect - 'offer to good to turn down, then once we had an indicition that he wanted to leave we had no choice but to accept. What we need to do is make sure the money is invested correctly on young hungry players that want to be here and that are big enough to wear the shirt - and we will do that. Ive spoke with Mike and Derek and we have identified players that we should be buying to take this club forward where it belongs'. No need for anyone to listen to his interview now. Arrrreeeeee you paaarrrrdddeewww in dis-guise?
  15. Anyone klnow off the top of their head how much Mike Ashley has Spent / recouped in transfer money?
  16. One reason he is going MAY be because his Current Injury is more serious than anyone is letting on. OR Pardew was too scared to shag his missus so decided to ship him off.
  17. To be honest,I think everyone here has felt suicidal at some of the decisions that the current Dictatorship have made but each time, as much as it pains me to say, things have not been as bad as people think. I am absolutely gutted about this day (one I had quite high hopes for when I got up this morning) but shit happens. Toonfaninkent says Fuck everything thats happening now and lets get our premiership status retained for next season then we can all look forward to a summer of being linked with Mediocre signings and last minute loan deals.
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