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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. The same Tea Lady that shook her head at Dyer and Bowyer after their incident?
  2. Cunning_Linguist


    So you are only 7 now Ronaldo?
  3. So next month then. But really the signs aren't looking good. Like some of you have said, as soon as a club who can offer Champions League football turns up, then Gervinho will surely go there, we are his last choice. Don't the Newcastle Hierachy love the veil of silence/secrecy? Maybe they have said that If you say anything we will pull the plug?
  4. I assumed it was when the transfer window opened, obviously not you patronising c*** Called for IMO
  5. Whats this geezer like on FIFA 11? I havent been on it since PSN crashed
  6. Patience is a Virtue Lad! Plus this is Newcastle, When have they EVER done anythin quickly (apart fropm sacking people)
  7. I want to get excited but dont want the sort of come down I used to get off dodgy E's
  8. Everything in the french press seems to be pointing towards Lille bringing in Pablo Piatti to replace Gervinho when he leaves (and of course we are heavily linked with him) so our name is thrown into the hat...
  9. It all seems a bit dodgy to me....... I wonder if Football will go the same way as Darts, Wrestling has gone and have an 'Alternative' governing body.
  10. Not been around too much but what is the deal with this fur10ng? ITK? or Wannabe ITK?
  11. Amazing how a thread can go down the shitter so quick.
  12. Maybe the closest he will get to one?
  13. [me=ToonFaninKent]Over the moon[/me]
  14. I know its a pretty lousy source but I was chatting to an Arsenal fan today who mentioned he had heard that we had been linked to Adebayor........... Anyone seen anything?
  15. Which one? Theres over 10 posts above. Bad news about SI, Would definitely like to see what he has to offer us but if he is going to spend time injured then he can Fuck off
  16. West Ham 2 seasons ago, Lost 3-1 but the Atmosphere was absolutely amazing and the whole away end rocked.
  17. Shit it may have been but at least we did not lose. Could have had greater ramifications if we had lost.
  18. The Guy on 5-Live reckons 39 points is the magic number for teams to be safe this season.
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