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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. A pity if that's the case. The future under Ashley, irrespective of the Pardew and JFK factors, is bleak at best and potentially catastrophic.
  2. If Fulham can get sold in a day, for a good (rumoured) price, how come this twit can't sell the club. We know he's trying.
  3. Sammy has some serious moves and can do things only HBA can at the club. With good coaching (a definite problem currently at the club) he could be a very good player. Let's hope it works out.
  4. Haidara hasn't as yet shown us that he can't defend whereas Santon on numerable occasions has done so. Santons positional play and tendency to get caught in position means he's a constant defensive liability. Virtually every time somebody scores against us down the right Santon will have been involved, and not in a good way. Incidentally Taylor's positional play is pretty terrible as well, watch the Liverpool at home massacre. Neither are good enough.
  5. As a LB Mapou is the best defender, then Haidara and then Santon who is the most positionaly challenged defender we have had for a long time. Going forward its the opposite. If Mapou doesn't start instead of Taylor (he should) then he should start at LB.
  6. Strange that the goalkeepers don't seem to watch the penalties
  7. Can we change the subject and talk about The Clash, who really were the greatest band in the world.
  8. Whether we like him or we don't, and we don't, I think he's a very good player who could turn out to be something special. Wingers with pace who can beat there man are very rare these days. For 7m he's definitely worth buying.
  9. Well when Cabaye played for France against Spain the last time he did exactly that, chased around like a loon, not getting the ball and giving away stupid free kicks. So there's not only Pardew who doesn't know what his best position is.
  10. Am I the only one who thinks Silva is very overrated? Much prefer Mata.
  11. Don't tell me we are going to piss away the summer transfer budget on two players who weren't good enough to play for their respective teams last year, just because they are English. That will be the last straw.
  12. Well if it's true we have offered over 10m for a forward at least that should rule out Darren fucking Bent who is worth fuck all.
  13. Nobody has got the better of Spain for 4 or 5 years. They have two of the best CBs in the world and often a third with Busquets dropping into the line to allow the fullbacks to get forward so much. They are good for a few more years yet and they have a whole ton of fantastic young players waiting for their chance.
  14. A couple of things from some of the last posts on here; accusing Shearer of not being intelligent enough to be a successful manager. Most managers are as thick as the footballers they manage, many including our current finest are incapable of getting the rudiments of their own language correct. Secondly anybody saying that well at least Pardew is still here, has forgotten the diabolical football we have played for most of the nearly three years he has been in charge. Thirdly can somebody dig up Shearers actual quotes from the Sun. He certainly said people were laughing at NUFC, I don't recall that he said JFK was a cunt.
  15. Away Toon

    Alan Pardew

    The quicker Pardew goes the quicker JFK replaces him, the quicker we can get someone else when he relegates us or keels over.
  16. From another forum, it succinctly sums things up; As has been said so many times to all of you attending matches and paying these bastards wages - well done Not only do you have a football team to watch now but also a full blown circus complete with fucking clowns, enjoy. Under normal circumstances if 3 or 4 cockneys were stood in a pub calling all geordies thick bastards and admitted to robbing you blind every week for years the cops would never find the bodies yet as it's NUFC you gladly line up and throw your wages at them so they can ritually humiliate you. Always been proud to be a geordie but fuck me I'm struggling now, there are obviously thousands for whom being seen to support the club is more important than doing what's right for it and if they don't make a stand now they never will. I'm ashamed of the club and ashamed of the people who will stand by and let it happen.
  17. Seriously good this Spanish team. Technically what you would expect, great passing and movement, but quicker and more direct than the seniors. The Spanish dominance could be around for quite a while yet.
  18. Well I hate to say that I was right along with many others, but once Ashley bought the club and showed his true colours with KK, it was out, until they are. I haven't been to a game or spent a penny that could end up in Ashley's pocket since then and that won't change until he sells up. This argument that people not going to SJP wouldn't affect him is delusional bullshit. Attendances of 25,000-30,000 every home game, with a embargo on NUFC goods and Sports Direct thrown in as a bonus, would have him losing money again, and definitely trying to sell. So the supporters still have the same choice as we did six years ago, do nothing and continue to get pissed on, or do something about it. Ashley is taking the piss, laughing himself to sleep every night, why would anybody want to continue to financially support this oaf?
  19. Away Toon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That's Jamel Debbouze a french comedian (if there is such a thing) with the very hot Melissa. He's a French/Moroccan mix so that's where the resemblance comes from.
  20. HT 1-0 Goal by Jozy who is looking a good player recently.
  21. Hodgson and Pardew, two identical tactically inept dinosaurs, producing awful unsuccessful football. Pardew has less excuse though as he can go out and buy technically adept players, something England don't have.
  22. It will be interesting to see what Pep tries to do with Bayern, just tinker or completely change their style of play to something similar to Barca. He's on a hiding to nothing any which way you look at it, minimum do the treble next season to match this one.
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