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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. Away Toon

    Papiss Cissé

    Mick is right, I wouldn't wear a Wonga shirt either, it would be completely immoral to do so. Everybody has their boundaries, their limits, thank fuck we have at least one player with some kind of moral fibre.
  2. I hope that Bigi is going to be everything we hope for, but the fact that the Under 20's wouldn't give him a game, despite being minging beyond belief, is a bit worrying.
  3. Away Toon

    Papiss Cissé

    I don't remember seeing an interview where Cisse explained his problem with Wonga whether it be on religious or moral grounds or if he has a problem with them at all. It's all here-say or gossip or guess work or just down right made up lies. Because it's on the Internet doesn't mean it's true. Why do we all want to jump to conclusions and believe the shit that the papers spout? If Caulkin says he sat down with Cisse and Cisse said the following, well yes I would most likely believe him, but the rest of the wankers,no way.
  4. Well we are not going to match his wages if he really is on €87,500 a week.
  5. Sums it up perfectly. Life would be so much more enjoyable if we didn't all support this cluster fuck of a club.
  6. from the BBC comments; If this is the most we've got to look forward to season - the non appointment of a man we don't need / want to support the man we've already got that we don't need / want then God help us. I wish I didn't care anymore but it's not that easy. Ashley please go away and leave us alone..........
  7. from the BBC rumours; Newcastle have launched a £15m-plus bid for two more French players - Lyon striker Bafetimbi Gomis and Marseilles winger Andre-Pierre Gignac, both 27. Full story: Daily Star What I've seen of Gomis and Gignac is two pretty similar centre forwards, I've never seen Gignac play as a winger and can't believe he would be effective there. Then again nobody had ever seen Cisse play as a winger until Perdu tried it.
  8. Unless Cisse leaves or is certain to leave I can't imagine Ashley will sanction us buying two additional forwards. I don't believe that we would bid for both Gignac and Gomis, there would be no point at all in buying both. Best case scenario is Cisse leaves (this appears inevitable so might as well get it over and done with) and is replaced by Gomis and Remy out of the players we have being linked with. None of the above is very appealing but would be better than almost certain relegation.
  9. I don't get this whole thing that Carr is some kind of scouting genius who keeps picking up gems that nobody has heard of. First of all they are all French which doesn't make for a balanced squad or any kind of team bonding I would have thought. Most of them were well known and French internationals well before we signed them. If Haidara turns out to be Paolo Maldini yes hats off, otherwise so far none of them have been any better than a knowledgeable fan would have expected, and many Cabaye, Sissoko, MYM, Debuchy to various degrees disappointing. Now Michu, that's scouting and knowledge at a much higher level of anything we've come up with so far.
  10. Gouffran had a worse record in France and is clearly good enough. I'm not at all sure that Gouffran is good enough, it's far too early to tell. He works hard but doesn't beat his man, and doesn't look like he's got a lot of goals in him. Not playing in the system we play in anyhow.
  11. B. Gomis plaît à l'OM Plus du tout désiré à Lyon, Bafétimbi Gomis est sur le marché à un an de la fin de son contrat. En France, il semblerait selon nos informations que l'Olympique de Marseille apprécie beaucoup le profil du joueur, âgé de 27 ans. No longer wanted by Lyon, Gomis is available with just one year left on his contract. In France, it appears according to our information, that OM are interested in the player. Even worse than getting Gomis would be getting Gignac who OM would definitely move on if Gomis signs. Not the original immobile plank of a striker as Shola has that title, but a very close second. And if you think HBA is a bit porky just wait until you see this fat fucker.
  12. I've never been very impressed with Gomis, though as Pardew prefers a battering ram style CF I can see why we might buy him. He's very similar to Kenwyn Jones who I'm sure is available at a much cheaper price. I bet that idea cheers everyone up.
  13. It's hardly surprising that Thauvin has gone on holiday, his season ended on Sunday
  14. There are no transfer rumours concerning our club at the moment. None, bugger all, zilch.
  15. Unfortunately Bent has a history of misses that makes Cisse's attempts not to score, risible. Still Bent and Remy to replace Cisse, I'd sign for that.
  16. Away Toon

    Papiss Cissé

    I've always thought if we buy Bent it's to replace Cisse
  17. I think before anybody comes up with a formation that works we need to look at what various players can't do and shouldn't be asked to do. Overall I don't think we'll ever see a 352, Martinez can do that not Pardew. We have no wingers to play a 442 so it would be ridiculous to try though I think pardew would like to. Cisse needs to play in the middle and if we are to play a 442 we need to have Gouffran as the secondary striker. Ben Arfa shouldn't play in our half so he can't play winger in any system where he is required to spend most of his time defending. He's completely wasted in that role. Marveaux equally should not be asked to defend, he can't do it well and his skill set is wasted when he's asked to do it. Cabaye can play anywhere in midfield but for me he doesn't influence the game enough when he's further forward. Tiote if he plays has to be a ball winner and nothing more. win the ball, give it to someone straight away. Sissoko is not a winger, I'm not sure what is best position is, maybe the Manager should ask him. Jonas cannot play any position that requires him to contribute offensively, so it's either defensive midfield in a three or FB. Santon's positional play is terrible, either he learns quickly or Haidara or MYM start at LB Colo and MYM are the best 2 CB's at the club, Pardew needs to make it work, or it's Taylor with all his limitations. The 433 as Kanji suggested is probably the best use of the players we have at the moment but appears to be a system our genius of a manager dislikes.
  18. Marseille are rumoured to be sniffing around him and have been for a couple of months. I'm sure they'll pay him more money then Lille, and so I'm sure he would like to go. The atypical modern footballer.
  19. I can't see any good reason why Bent would want to take a 30K a week pay cut to play for us.
  20. Away Toon

    Papiss Cissé

    I think that Cisse doesn't want to wear W*ng* on his shirt (i wouldn't either though for different reasons), that he wants more money to stay at the club as he's the only goal scorer we have and knows his value, and that he wouldn't mind getting transferred somewhere else where he's get more money and not have to deal with this car crash of a football club we are all doomed to follow.
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