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Everything posted by jukeboxromeo

  1. White Men! Sounds racist, but it isn't. You lasted longer than the 9 minutes you were aiming for..
  2. Eagles doing well so far. So frustratingly inconsistent though.
  3. I reckon we will last...9 minutes without conceding
  4. He can still perform at Prem level, just, but would he really want to swap our bench for yours? He's out of contract in the summer and I'm not sure we'll be giving him a new one. BSA gave him a huge contract when we were good and he's still on big wages. Considering he was moaning in January about a pay cut in his new contract which he rejected, I'm not sure he's 'cheap' either.
  5. Their bench looks stronger than their first team.. How? It contains Alonso and Knight, truly a recipe for disaster. Has Jaaskelainen really regressed that much? Anyway, Klasnic and Ryo would worry me more than anything you have out on the pitch today. Jaaskelainen has regressed, but Bogdan has been excellent since he's come into the side. People still think he's a sh^t keeper because of the horrorshow he had against Chelsea though. Ryo looks absolutely knackered and needs a rest. Playing with Klasnic is like playing with 10 men most of the time, and a team as bad as ours currently is can't really afford that at the moment. Much better as an impact sub.
  6. Their bench looks stronger than their first team.. How? It contains Alonso and Knight, truly a recipe for disaster.
  7. Would have preferred Sordell up front, but apart from that it's probably the best we could field. Ryo needs a break. With Davies up-front it seems we might be here to park the bus.
  8. Holden, Lee and M Davies would be the only 3 from us that would improve you, I think. Maybe one of our young strikers as a back-up. In fact a Holden-Cabaye-Tiote midfield 3 would be pretty sexy.
  9. 100%, he's been our first-choice since he came back from injury at Christmas. I'd be astonished if it was anything other than a heavy defeat tomorrow. Gartside said on Twitter that the match on Saturday looked like it was one game too far...and yet we're playing again tomorrow - not that we'd have a chance anyway.
  10. Alonso wasn't fully fit to begin with, but either way he's been dreadful. Should mean Sam Ricketts will go there and Steinsson who has improved of late will return at right-back.
  11. There'll be big changes, relegation or otherwise - I'm expecting 7-8 to go (out of contract) and a similar number to come in. Ngog leads the line well (apart from today in which he was sloppy, and we still seem to hoof it up to him way too often) but when you're playing with only 1 up-front there needs to be a more consistent goal threat which he simply doesn't offer. We bought Sordell in January for 3M and he's barely featured, but he might get a run-out on Monday. Holden and Lee coming back will add some much-needed balance to the team, but it's nowhere near the end of our problems.
  12. Pretty much, yeah. Alonso was appalling against Duff, I fear what HBA will do to him on Monday if he's still in the side.
  13. I'm sure you'll win 14-0 like most of you have been predicting following today's performance.
  14. Oof, Dempsey just scored for Fulham with a great free-kick.
  15. Jelavic making more of an impact than I thought he would.
  16. Liverpool - embarrassment of the nation
  17. We're playing 4-5-1 today so we should play that again on Monday. Pards is at the match.
  18. This is going to be an annihilation with our complete lack of midfield options, leaky defence and only one day's rest. If Pratley's back fit in time then we may play 4-5-1 and may have some semblance of a chance. Otherwise it'll be 4-4-2 and thus utter capitulation.
  19. Wolves' defending for that goal You know you're in the shit when a 35-yo Kevin Davies is dribbling through your defence
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