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Bishops Finger

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Everything posted by Bishops Finger

  1. We saw it coming months ago, yet the pundits still can't see it, and they call us deluded ffs It’s because he managed Sunderland though
  2. We saw it coming months ago, yet the pundits still can't see it, and they call us deluded ffs
  3. Yeah but Bruce tried to swap him for Jordan Rhodes so you're wrong
  4. No mate, I missed that post 3 up from yours. What's it about?
  5. He makes that lass from The Exorcist look dignified
  6. Well done once again Bruce for completely embarrassing yourself. Counting success as equaling Rafa's points tally when you spent near on £100m more. I think Rafa would have called that a complete failure if he'd spent that and failed to better himself and would have held his hands up too. What a joke of a human being you've become you sad man. Hope you son reads you all our responses at bedtime you twat!
  7. Yes, he's completely embarrassed it!
  8. What a pathetic fucking club this has become. You couldn't make this shit up ffs
  9. Thats another thing Bruce always does. Rush players back out of desperation and they end up injured for months
  10. Ashley's such a tit for letting this bloke leave. He wasn't demanding 100's of millions like some would have us believe. If he's been given the money that's been spent since he left he would definitely have stayed and we'd be comfortably in the top ten now I'd bet
  11. The only thing we can take from that is it'll probably hurt Ashley more than us, waving goodbye to £350m, and he deserves every bit of it
  12. This, Ashley will see him as a good championship manager. The only hope is if Ashley does stand to lose millions if the takeover depends on us staying in this league
  13. Google it you lazy twat. Google should ask him questions. He's The Prophet
  14. Think he's going to scrap the 5 at the back shite, so what do you think our back 6 will look like?
  15. Desperate words from a desperate man. "I'm going to do things my way now". You should have been doing things your way from day one Bruce you idiot, not when you know you're up the creek without a paddle. If Ashley had any sense (I know ) he'd have him out the door before the Arsenal game
  16. He doesn't seem to confident there. Youd think he'd say something like "the squad are 100% behind me" if he knew there wasn't a problem
  17. More evidence for De Marco and co to show our takeover was subjected to far stricter scrutiny than any previous. I would have thought the government would have pushed for them to accept the bid. Premier league went to them.... I think they would, but the point is why did they feel they had to go to them. It’s meant to be a confidential process and if scrutiny of our takeover has been shown to be different to others, it all plays into the narrative that we have been treat differently. I expect to tell them that they are going to reject the bid and wanted to explain why (Piracy) or get more info on the buyers. Also we probably have been treated differently but I can't think of any club being bought while at the same time running an illegal sports stations that steals games. I'm still confused by this. Is it PIF that are illegally streaming games? Is this still going on? https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2020/6/16/explainer-the-piracy-case-against-saudis-beoutq-channel Think we all know if the Saudis wanted to shut it down they could. Probably could have but its still got nothing to do with PIF. Separate legal entity which is what do marco is trying to prove. I suppose its a bit like having a limited company over here. I am the sole director and shareholder of my company, i earn its money, i spend it, i have complete control over the business, its direction and its finances. But legally, its separate to me. That's where a problem arises though surely. As the owners and directors test has to find the parties who are have control over said company. With PIF describing themselves as the sovereign wealth fund of the state then the state surely has control over PIF. So it doesn't really matter if it's a separate legal entity in itself in that respect. Exactly this. The Saudi state could turn round after the takeover and dissolve PIF and take over control of all the enterprises PIF entered into including control of NUFC! Lol. Righto. And you REALLY don’t think in that instance that the PL might have something to say, and invoke the yearly O&D Test again to throw the club out of the league? So Isn’t that why they are wanting to test the people who have the power to do that before the takeover happens, I.e MBS. The real question is why won’t he take the test? :lol: Really, so you want MBS to take a test to buy a shitty club in the UK that amounts to 0.00x% of the PIF investment portfolio. So should the Queen have to take various tests everytime the Crown estates want to buy into something? Insane. If the premier league came out and said - we have rejected the takeover bid due to alleged piracy of IP rights etc then fine. Most fans would accept it without a blink of an eye. This not making a decision is just a delay tactic because they know if they actually gave a reason for rejecting it, it could be challenged. Anyway this is old ground, covered so many times in this thread. I wont be writing in this thread again until we hear definitive news from the PL, the club or consortium as we are just going round in circles. Whereas NUFC is just going down (to the championship). Excuse me? Nothing wrong with saying we are a shitty club tbh. In fact shitty clubs may have a case for defamation Agree, we're a very, very shitty club
  18. Warren Barton is more of a Geordie than Bruce will ever be
  19. That'll do Ashley. He's staying lads and lasses
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