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Bishops Finger

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Everything posted by Bishops Finger

  1. She won't because she's a flat out liar. People still thinking they might come back in - if she does it'll be another long, failed affair. What an utter imbecile you are. Is it just Staveley you don't like or just women in general. How's she a liar now? She's the only person that's came out and let us know what has happened. If she's a liar why haven't the PL called her out on this 'lie'. Bet you haven't even read her interview have you? Already formed your opinion on fuck all haven't you.
  2. Maybe it wasn't smokescreen I claim here, but I bet Ashley is only too delighted the deal has fallen through. He pockets 17m and can raise the price to 350m again. I have said it all along, Ashley is here forever. Good things do not happen to this football club. We're almost a real life Harchester United (just not as many deaths and affairs). The club is eternally fucked. The absolute best we can hope for as long as we on this forum live is mid-table mediocrity and maybe the odd flukey cup run every five years that eventually falls apart when we face a bigger team e.g. Arsenal or City. There is no hope. And I am not even a pessimist. I know when something is fucked and this club is fucked. Anyone who hasn't already would be wise to just give up any hope of really good things happening to NUFC ever again. Stop with the pipe dreams. It is doom and it is gloom. Think in the current climate he'd rather have banked the £300m than hold onto Newcastle. If he really wanted to keep us he'd never have agreed the sale in the first place. He definitely 100% wanted to sell this time, but for once he's been shafted like he's been doing to us year after year. But I think there's going to be more fans turn up on matchday (when things get back to normal) than many people think. It's for once 'not his fault' that it fell through and all the sheep are going to use that excuse. For me though, I don't care that it's not his fault (even though he still raised the bar). What he's done to this club over the years is totally unforgivable, he's stripped the club of all it's assets, took the piss out of all the fans for years and employed his clueless pals most of the time. He's never going to find another buyer for this club in the current climate unless it's another gold digger. So for me, whoever sticks with the club, deserves Ashley, he's here to stay. For me, I'm done
  3. And she's not trustworthy going by her long track record. What long track record, come on then, educate us, I'm absolutely mystified what bone you've got with Staveley. Stop looking for someone to blame man, get over it FFS.
  4. So, IF the above is true then Ashley must be raging at the PL for costing him £300m no? Well he should be, and he's just been given a £17m freebie to sue the bastards
  5. Haven't put a penny in Ashley's pocket since Rafa left, been offered a few free tickets, point blank refused them. Now I'll make sure I don't put another penny into the premier league also. Stick you premier league up your arse, I'm not watching another match. Don't know how I'll give up this forum though, don't post much but probably spent most of my time here
  6. No way for Ashley, if he's proven to be the one that's fucked this deal up even his most dedicated sheep will be off, Mauriss might be able to bullshit us into thinking we're going to be great again, just like Ashley did when he bought us, but I won't be falling for it
  7. :When do Premiership teams receive TV money, is it after the season has ended. Could it not be a case of who the money goes to, if Ashley is still the owner then he could argue that it's his. Just a thought, haven't got a clue really
  8. He's died hasn't he, the fat bastard has died just to stop this deal going through, wanker!
  9. Nail on the fucking head! Sick of all this 'Bruce has done a good job' bullshit. Yeah, he's done a good job because every fucker expected us to get relegated. I won't be watching any football next season if this twat is still in charge. Sick of all the arse lickers who see the results and form an opinion. Try watching the drivel week in week out ffs. Its clueless bullshit
  10. It IS our last Ashley/Bruce game. I wouldn't say 'enjoy it', but it will be our last chance to feel that "absolute hopelessness" during a match, that we have all felt for so long. So, while you can't 'enjoy' it, just 'experience' it - safe in the knowledge that it is ALL OVER . . . I want to believe you and I hope what you're saying actually happens. Can you please for one last tine clarify your reasons why it is happening tomorrow and what is the source of your confidence from just so I can fully get on board with your cult/theory? He hasn't got a clue. Just being over optimistic
  11. This. And as Ben Jacobs put in one of his tweets "Sometimes I think NUFC fans just want to hear 'it's happening' regardless of truth/context" - we even had people claiming the Saudis banning Bein was positive news ffs. When you realise that Staveley's track record isn't very good, and that she has been the only one confident of this happening, then sadly this falling though has looked the most likely outcome for a while now. You don't think the other buying parties weren't confident of passing? They just thought they'd spend months of their time and significant financial outlay on a punt? Plus Ashley thought he'd entertain them for the lolz. Your hated of Staveley is mysoginistic and creepy. What was the name of the woman that hurt you so badly? Mysogynistic...at least spell it correctly if it means that much to you Why so melodramatic anyway. She told Caulkin lots of stuff, none of which has come to fruition. Me pointing that out = a hatred based on mysogynistic views I actually Googled it to check the spelling and still fucked it up You go on and on about her and find it a bit weird. Obviously she, the Reuben brothers, PIF, Ashley and whatever legal teams they use ALL thought it would proceed. She did possibly embark on a bit of brinkmanship during the 1st attempted takeover, but they are very much mutually exclusive and if this does fail, it's through no fault of her own. Same I want to like her and believe her, and I did for a bit, I've just been suspicious that her confidence may be miss-placed. Who's ever stated that it was Staverley that told Caulkin? How do you know Caulkin isn't just making it up to appease the fans that keep pestering him every minute of the day for answers? Show us where anyone has 'Quoted' Staverley in saying any of this, bet you can't. She's signed a NDA like everyone else that's involved in the deal, do you think she's going to fuck it up by confiding in a journalist? We all know Ashley doesn't need much excuse to pull out of a deal It's probably just a guess that its Staveley feeding the positivity to GC, because she made contact with him and gave him the interview during the last bid. However, due to the NDA's, its probably someone from the buyers legal team team passing on the small snippets of info ("no red flags so far", "buyers still positive", "buyers have answered everything asked"). The legal team will know how much they can or can't say, hence the vagueness that GC gets to report. On the flipside, the negative stuff that gets reported is full of detail, and paints the picture of a nailed on fail, despite the only people knowing for sure being the Legal teams on each side and the PL. Yeah, totally agree with you, could be anyone feeding the stories and when they said it obviously there were no red flags. The Qatari's are trying everything in there power for this not to go through, and I honestly believe it won't. All I'm saying though is, no one has ever said it was Staverley who said it and obviously people will asume it's her with her past dialogue with Caulkin, but it doesn't mean she is still in contact with him and giving him snippets. She's the one that didn't walk away from the deal when Ashley insulted her calling her a time waster. It's just made her more determined to get the club and if it falls through it's by no means her fault
  12. This. And as Ben Jacobs put in one of his tweets "Sometimes I think NUFC fans just want to hear 'it's happening' regardless of truth/context" - we even had people claiming the Saudis banning Bein was positive news ffs. When you realise that Staveley's track record isn't very good, and that she has been the only one confident of this happening, then sadly this falling though has looked the most likely outcome for a while now. You don't think the other buying parties weren't confident of passing? They just thought they'd spend months of their time and significant financial outlay on a punt? Plus Ashley thought he'd entertain them for the lolz. Your hated of Staveley is mysoginistic and creepy. What was the name of the woman that hurt you so badly? Mysogynistic...at least spell it correctly if it means that much to you Why so melodramatic anyway. She told Caulkin lots of stuff, none of which has come to fruition. Me pointing that out = a hatred based on mysogynistic views I actually Googled it to check the spelling and still fucked it up You go on and on about her and find it a bit weird. Obviously she, the Reuben brothers, PIF, Ashley and whatever legal teams they use ALL thought it would proceed. She did possibly embark on a bit of brinkmanship during the 1st attempted takeover, but they are very much mutually exclusive and if this does fail, it's through no fault of her own. Same I want to like her and believe her, and I did for a bit, I've just been suspicious that her confidence may be miss-placed. Who's ever stated that it was Staverley that told Caulkin? How do you know Caulkin isn't just making it up to appease the fans that keep pestering him every minute of the day for answers? Show us where anyone has 'Quoted' Staverley in saying any of this, bet you can't. She's signed a NDA like everyone else that's involved in the deal, do you think she's going to fuck it up by confiding in a journalist? We all know Ashley doesn't need much excuse to pull out of a deal
  13. This shit needs to end soon like. Totally drained with it all now. Im expecting the worst tbh. Nothing good ever happens to this club apart from the few good years we had with King Kev and Sir Bobby. I think that's going to be the only good memories I'll have of the club. I can't even call it my club anymore. Ashley has sucked the life out of it. This is the only chance we have of seeing this club challenging the top teams. Anyone else that comes in will be doing it for profit only, and as Ashley has already stripped the club of all assets then how will they do it. I'm finished with football completely when this takeover fails. I just can't watch another season of Bruceball (clueless twat) Just put us out of our misery PL ffs. Let us move on and at least get back to some kind of reality instead of dreaming of what we could be. This is going to be one hell of a comedown
  14. Have you noticed aswell lol. Don't know what the hell she's done wrong tbh, she might not even be the one that's feeding Caulkin the shit, I'll reserve my judgment on her when I actually here her say something. I'm sure she's got big plans for us but it's not her fault this is taking so long, she's far from any blame, she's worked over 3 years to try acquire us, if anything, she's the one person I respect most.
  15. Are they in the Final now HTT? Nah, semi away at Boston next.
  16. Are they in the Final now HTT?
  17. Exactly. All these pundits and journalists banging on about deserving a chance. You'll never hear any of them saying he's a perfect candidate when a top 6,7,8 job comes up in the future. Maybe we'll be able to ram it back down their throats in time. Yeah, he deserves a chance, as long as its with Newcastle
  18. My thoughts entirely. Up until that report came out yesterday I would have said it's not happening, but I don't think there's anything in there that's that damning and as you say, PIF aren't going to announce anything until everything is complete
  19. Why did they push out positive messages over a month ago? It wasn't even close to happening. Are people presuming the characters involved would gamble 17 Million (or whatever the deposit was) on the basis it just might squeak through? Well if they have put down a non-refundable deposit then they HAVE took a gamble, because there are obvious hurdles they didn't anticipate here, otherwise it would have been passed by now, I now think they've come up against a lot more protests than they expected. For people now to be so sure this is happening is just blind faith tbh and I'm more in the 'not happening' camp now. And as for the £17m deposit, what's that when you have £300B, peanuts, and I bet Ashley has gambled a lot more of his fortune away percentage wise and is still a Billionaire, you have to take risks in business
  20. Rafa coming back would just be the icing on the cake for me. Hardly watched a game since he left, and to be replaced by Bruce was a pure insult to the fans. Can't see this takeover not happening now, but by any chance it doesn't I know I can walk away from football forever. Come home Rafa
  21. What about an obviously useless cunt who KNOWS he's an obviously useless cunt, but still tries to pretend he isn't anyway? But "obviously useless cunts" keep employing the "obviously useless cunt" making him think he's obviously not a "obviously useless cunt" and the cycle continues You had your chance, Keith. It's alreet mate, wi tekkin him ti West Ham That's not Geordie Keith. Which makes it more likely its him. He'll be talking about hendersons sauce next ti bi fair. That's not Geordie either, it's a lot easier to talk it than spell it, and wtf is henderson's sauce Hendersons is like Worcestershire plus garlic Sounds nice, hardly makes my want to start a thread on it though ?
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