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Bishops Finger

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Everything posted by Bishops Finger

  1. Me too, refuse to put another penny in fcb's pocket, but I'll always pop in here now and again for the craic
  2. Exactly. That's our next 4 signings played for. Wages, agent fees everything. What's not to like
  3. If this takeover happens I'll cheese grate my bollocks and dip them in salty vinegar
  4. Probably one of the reasons I don't think Ashley is ready to sell the club yet is the fact theres still a bit money to be made on the likes of Longstaff, Perez, Almiron and Laccelles. Your looking at close the £100m for those lot and we all know what floats Ashley's boat
  5. How can you kill something that's been dead for years
  6. And it would be just our luck that no other potential buyer would entertain the fat twat if he did
  7. Yeah, and when we're pissed off we can turn it upside down
  8. If it's his money it's also his debt, so how come he can take out what he wants yet the club owe him £130m, what the club makes in profit should stay in the club and if it did then chances are we wouldn't have been relegated twice and then the 'club' wouldn't owe him any money. That's what Ashley does though isn't it, he has his cake and eats it, in front of the starving minions that's he's taken from, the man is a leach and won't be gone until there's nothing left to take
  9. Can't wait for the media to whip this up into a frenzy for the next 2/3 months, only for Ashley to call Kenyon a tyre kicker, and before you know it, the transfer window is closing Feels like I've been here before
  10. Plus he's only scored 2 goals, 1 in 750,000 games is quite shit like
  11. Be calling them SunderL1 soon lol
  12. Could end up another frustrating summer if this shit kicks off again, Ashley always seems to want more than the club is worth and more than suitors are willing to pay, he needs to look at the club now as to what it's worth and not potentially what it's worth, cos potential costs a lot of money and time to recoup any profits. It's going to cost a lot of money to get this team challenging anywhere near the top ten, which is what Rafa wants. Can't see Rafa signing a new deal until he knows one way or the other what funds he has, he'll not fall for the same crap again guaranteed.
  13. He probably knows he'll be out injured for the rest of the season, so he'd rather be in the Midlands where he can get pissed up every night with his mates, me hopes
  14. Excellent post. Totally agree.
  15. Happy Birthday KK. Love some of the sentiments on here. He's a Geordie hero and probably the most exciting times of our recent history revolve around him being here. From a player to a manager he's been brilliant. Love the bloke to bits.
  16. Messi, coz he won't be coming to the club either.
  17. No Shola ? No believing it. It was compiled before the Norwich game.
  18. I'd love it if no-one turned up for their next press conference. The journalists really could make Ashley's life hell if they all pulled together.
  19. Yeah, but that would have to mean we were actually serious about him.
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