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Bishops Finger

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Everything posted by Bishops Finger

  1. If we could get Howe to come in as interim manager till the end of the season with a nice bonus if he keeps us up then that would be a decent solution. Then the consortium can bring on a DOF and plan for the future in the meantime. So everything is in place for the start of next season. Don't think Howe would want it long term anyway if his wife refuses to move so I think its the best of both worlds
  2. Well if he replaces Bruce then he'll be leading us on a doomed expedition south of the Premiership
  3. Yeah but the Manure job will be coming up soon so they probably know they've got no chance
  4. Wonder if they'd consider a straight swap for Bruce
  5. It's going to be tough. Which half decent manager is going to look at our current situation and fancy it. Rafa would have been perfect as he was looking for a project. The rest just want to walk in to a club with everything in place. Thanks to fucking lard arse we're looking at a relegation scrap already. It's annoying how the tosser is sitting on his hands waiting for a nice pay off whilst the club he apparently loves is nosediving into the championship. Utter wanker.
  6. They've been here a week ffs. Another wind up merchant signs up
  7. Well I can't believe we're the richest club in the world and we're still 19th. I'm out!
  8. Do you have to have a degree in stupidity to become a pundit on talkshite? No Darren Bent, what won't work is sticking with a useless cunt of a manager. Fucking tit!
  9. Fuck me. They've been here a week for goodness sake. I'm sorry but any non Newcastle fans reading this thread will have every right to call us deluded. They'd look a lot more amateur if they sack Bruce and his crew and we didn't have anyone to take training next week They obviously didn't expect the takeover to go through this quick after the CAT case. We'll be ok but they have to get a DOF in to make the decisions. Do we really want another Ashley type setup where people that know fuck all about football make all the wrong decisions
  10. I'm just going to accept that he'll probably be here for the spuds game and might be pleasantly surprised if he's not. Not going to stress myself out about it. This time last week I was resigned to being stuck with Bruce till January and hoping the takeover would go through then, by which time he'd have us relegated anyway. So I'm just going to put my faith in the consortium and hope they get the best available
  11. He's getting no respect from me, he's a dinosaur and he had a damn site more money to spend than Rafa only for the club to go backwards. Every minute this bloke is manager of our club just totally winds me up. If he's in that dugout on Sunday he's going to get exactly what he deserves. FUCK RESPECT and FUCK STEVE BRUCE!
  12. As if any one of them gave a shit about what went on in Saudi Arabia before the takeover. They wouldn't even have had a clue what was going on there. I don't see them up in arms with their own government about supplying them with arms and that goes for the rest of the bandwagon jumpers aswell
  13. Not looking over our shoulder at the relegation zone would be nice
  14. They're going to love the travelling to every home game aren't they? Absolutely makes no sense. Sorry, if the players aren't happy to live in or around Newcastle then they aren't welcome here
  15. I think he needs to be gone by tomorrow. We need Jones taking training on Monday for the week and let the players enjoy the week without Bruce stinking the place out any longer.
  16. It is for me, and I love her already
  17. Sorry for what. The was fucking amazing
  18. I was watching. He was definitely welling up like
  19. 2 things I don't want to see at the Spurs game. Steve Bruce Anything to do with Sports Direct
  20. Or a state funeral for the poor little fecker
  21. And the doubts start creeping in
  22. I'll start the bidding at minus 40 quid?
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