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Bishops Finger

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Everything posted by Bishops Finger

  1. Why do you keep doing it in the positive thread though. This thread has been locked twice recently and both times you've been in the middle of it all
  2. See what I meant when I said about a wwwk ago you were obsessed with Keith and you haven't stopped slagging him off since. If you anywhere older than 14 you need to grow up
  3. I'll tell you what's more embarrassing. People coming on the positive takeover thread to have a pop at the positive posters. They're all pissed off coz the takeover isn't happening and looking for someone to blame. Boo fucking hoo
  4. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever does it? Doesn't even make much sense if Ashley is keeping the club either mind
  5. Well that rules out John Terry then
  6. TBH we'd be lucky if there were more bidders and if there was they'd probably end up worse than Ashley. Saying that, Ashley has already stripped all the assets so now much more to take
  7. If people would stop trying to read into every picture that he posts then it might do themselves a favour. Why is everything he posts concerning us? It's not and he's free to post whatever he wants I'm not having a go at you by the way. I just don't understand why some people think that way.
  8. I just don't care either way now. Don't think this takeover is gonna happen anyway
  9. I'm not putting another penny into football when/if this takeover falls through. Ashley hasn't had a penny out of me since Rafa left and I haven't had sky or bt for ages. I'm already 99 percent out. Just need that final push. Won't even watch the world Cup. I need to wash my hands with the whole lot
  10. Oh, so now she's got to buy the club now before she can do what the fuck she wants
  11. Who is this Sean Casey. Is he anyone we can trust or just another bullshitter
  12. He wanted to keep his dog out of it incase it hadn't paid its tax this month
  13. And why would Amanda Staveley be in on this?
  14. Well we'd be a pretty small club if we only had fans from the area. Man U wouldn't be that big either if they didn't have supporters all over the world. I'm not on twitter so don't hear most of the stuff he says, I just see a lot of people slagging him off and just feel a lot of it is unjustified. Maybe I'm wrong but as far as I know he's just trying to get this takeover sorted and it needs to be out in the public. That's why Amanda Staveley is now doing a lot of interviews, so the PL have nowhere to hide
  15. Is he lying or is he just passing on info that he's been given. I agree he should keep his gob shut sometimes but I'm not going to roast him for something he's obviously been told
  16. At least he's trying to do something to get this takeover done instead of sitting in his bedroom tapping away on his keyboard slagging everyone off that's trying to do something about it. Keep up the good work though
  17. You're a bit obsessed with Keith aren't you. Can't help having a dig whenever the chance arises
  18. Sorry mate. Totally respect for what you're doing for the club. Anyone that gives up any time for the cause has my total respect. Sorry I just couldn't understand your post I quoted you in
  19. Has your phone been typing away while it was in your pocket bud
  20. I'm convinced if the Saudis bought the whole fucking world we'd still have some tosser stopping this takeover. Typical NUFC
  21. This is my hope aswell. The decision is taken out of there hands so they can say it wasn't there decision. Win win
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