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Everything posted by PENKAAA

  1. I'm getting angry and i don't support either team.
  2. When this game finishes i'm going to watch highlights of Demba destroying Stoke.
  3. I hope Sunderland play like this come March.
  4. 2-1 of course. O'Neill is fucking mint lerk!
  5. How badly did they just deal with that ball?
  6. Yep. Great slide tackle before in the box. Lovely shuffle to set up the goal as well Didn't see the goal. Care to explain it?
  7. Yep. Great slide tackle before in the box.
  8. Why make posts like that? Just enjoy him instead of fearing him doing well.
  9. Becoming my favourite player.
  10. 36 points with Aguero, Silva, Richards, VDV & Walters still to play. Left Simpson on the bench and stuck Neil Taylor in.
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