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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Isn't he our only LM/ LW? Aarons.. but he's a complete crock. Ah yes, easy to forget about Aarons.
  2. Misstrovic Covers his ability to miss the goal and matches.
  3. His chances he missed last season fucked us, he's also already missed 2 excellent chances in 2 games this season. He deserves the criticism.
  4. Gayle's contribution in his first two games by the way was a simple miss early v Huddersfield then a header from a crap pen. Gayle has been fairly poor other than his good finish at Bristol City. Contributed nothing in a lot of games yet Mitro misses one chance and he's awful To be fair it's two misses in two games for Mitro...if we ignore last season. Did he not score against QPR? He also missed a sitter under no pressure.
  5. Gayle's contribution in his first two games by the way was a simple miss early v Huddersfield then a header from a crap pen. Gayle has been fairly poor other than his good finish at Bristol City. Contributed nothing in a lot of games yet Mitro misses one chance and he's awful To be fair it's two misses in two games for Mitro...if we ignore last season.
  6. Shame even his headers aren't very good.
  7. Aiston

    Adam Armstrong

    We loaned the wrong striker out.
  8. Two sitters missed in two games. Get the man on shooting practice ffs.
  9. Perez and Mitrovic are bloody great, at wasting chances and being in good positions.
  10. Diame is basically Sissoko, same amount of effort anyway. Sky are even saying that was very harsh on Anita.
  11. But but but he's young. He scored in his first game of the season. He's missed two sitters in two games.
  12. Aiston


    Stadium is going to be mostly empty well before the 90 minutes are up.
  13. Aiston


    Hart, Mason and Iborra turning down Sunderland or club pulling the plug...good transfer window for this lot so far
  14. Would happily see him in the side instead of Colback.
  15. Perez isn't a winger and Aarons will play a maximum of 15 games this season. Definitely need another winger, just not this odious c***.
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