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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. People have their priorities wrong if they think Krul congratulation Defoe is something to cry about.
  2. Just **** off with the free kicks, let someone else take them.
  3. The only thing Raylor had was his crossing and set pieces, they both are now awful
  4. With the defence infront of him all season, can you blame him?
  5. Aiston


  6. He's playing worse and for longer than Jonas ever has. Rather see Jonas in the squad now who looked decent last night.
  7. Shithouse, hope he's gone in the summer.
  8. Gouffran is so bad it's incredible. Don't think Jonas was even this bad.
  9. Which is mad, considering he's been our biggest attacking threat so far.
  10. Can someone remind Raylor we aren't playing in blue, so to stop passing to them.
  11. Not too bad actually, has more yellow cards for diving than he does goals.
  12. Dropped for who? He's better than all our wingers. Rather see him on the pitch than the likes of Gouffran.
  13. He gets far more abuse than most due to being an Ameobi.
  14. Colback you stupid ginger cunt, why would you go and do that?
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