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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. Aiston

    Shola Ameobi

    People actually don't want him to do well at the WC? He shouldn't be playing for us, but fucking hell the hatred is amusing.
  2. Aiston

    Shola Ameobi

    A rolling contract until he reaches 100 goals for us, please.
  3. Every time he got a free kick, the past year or so I was p*ssed off at him for getting it, due to how awful we are at set pieces. Jonas winning a free kick basically ended whatever attack we had. Staying on his feet did the same though At least the inevitable Willo free kick routine could be avoided
  4. Every time he got a free kick, the past year or so I was pissed off at him for getting it, due to how awful we are at set pieces. Jonas winning a free kick basically ended whatever attack we had.
  5. Aiston

    Shola Ameobi

    Shola, such a Newcastle legend.
  6. Aiston

    Loïc Remy

    No point in him playing at Liverpool, should give one of our youngsters a start.
  7. Little Vurn has a cracking tackle on him when he wants.
  8. Aiston

    Nile Ranger

    To be fair, some players get away with blatant assault even when caught on camera.
  9. hmmmm he is really s*** though Dummett really shouldn't be the focus of any fan ire at all. It's unwarranted and misdirected. He's exactly the sort of person we need to be cheering on when he plays, there's nothing he can do about be s*** and it's not his fault he's being picked ahead of more gifted players. Frustration needs to be directed at Pardew, not Dummett imo. Doesn't stop people abusing Ameobi mind. That's harsh on Simpson.
  10. Anyone bother to work out how many set piece goals we've scored, compared to lost?
  11. Aiston

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Taken away the goals/ assists from when he has came on as a substitute, or left them in to make it look better?
  12. Grow a pair. So we shouldn't sign ANYONE until we actually sign a player as good as Cabaye then? Fed up of the whole "cabaye replacement" s****, we going to call the player that who we sign? Have you paid attention at all in these last few years? sure we all have, but you literally can’t kick off about colback in the context of being the replacement for cab aye until the transfer window opens at least, personally i’d be tempted to wait until nearer the end of it like Exactly, it won't stop people bitching for the sake of bitching mind. I get the feeling many Newcastle fans are just looking for any tiny reason to have a bitch.
  13. Grow a pair. So we shouldn't sign ANYONE until we actually sign a player as good as Cabaye then? Fed up of the whole "cabaye replacement" s****, we going to call the player that who we sign? Have you paid attention at all in these last few years? Decided I'm going to be nothing about positive for the transfer window.
  14. Grow a pair. So we shouldn't sign ANYONE until we actually sign a player as good as Cabaye then? Fed up of the whole "cabaye replacement" shite, we going to call the player that who we sign?
  15. OK player that can play in a few positions as backup, we need that..maybe then we could have some rotation in the team*. *Would need a new manager as well mind.
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