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Everything posted by oriondean

  1. oriondean

    Alan Pardew

    Archbishop of Banterbury
  2. I hope Vuckic spanks one in from 30 yards just to shut these fuckers up
  3. oriondean

    Alan Pardew

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00vl8mk A little impromptu interview from Pardew by radio 5 live
  4. Instead of penalties just score the team on points like a boxing match That way both teams will want to attack and get corners etc.
  5. Poor Williamson To be fair he has hit the bar alot
  6. Our strikers have lost nearly every aerial dual today and we still try and float crosses in...
  7. oriondean


    Not one bid for the John O'Shea shirt so far
  8. http://ladyarse.co.uk/2012/04/premier-league-injury-table-17/ Weird how this correlates to our actual table position!
  9. Fucking Hell Blackburn, you played so bad you would think they had threw that bloody game.
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