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Everything posted by LRD

  1. Yeah think there will be a red card or two today with PDC at their helm.
  2. I would be very concerned to be frank if Jonas is at RB and Debuchy at LB.
  3. There better be a match thread today. We can excuse Fulham but no derby match thread will be unpardonable.
  4. LRD

    Epic NUFC photos

    Naturally these belong here.
  5. Why did we want a booking for the racist? 2 match suspension including our match.
  6. Lol defected goal by Gibson.
  7. ooo Remy forced an outstanding save from Howard.
  8. http://i.minus.com/iOCG9jGZAfHo5.gif
  9. Top post You know what I was referring to? no http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=240892.0 Was looking for the post that breaks the 'silence'. Only got to post #47 (...)
  10. For? Harry and QPR. (watching Everton match)
  11. Sill remember them being screwed over the Ba deal. Got only 500k in the end. But they sold Luiz Gustavo for like €17m or so, I guess that adds up. Luiz Gustavo isn't a €17m player. Fair point. Like West Ham and us too, could have gotten more from selling Ba though.
  12. Sill remember them being screwed over the Ba deal. Got only 500k in the end.
  13. Fulham are already on their holidays and away from home. I'll prob go for Everton-QPR instead.
  14. http://strackattack.com/gifs/paul%20ince%20blackburn%20football.gif Was that ever proven to be real btw?
  15. Didn't know that Blackburn and Wolves are so far down the table. Personally will find it amusing to see comedians at Venky's relegated. You know it's bad when you appreciate all that Ashley has done in comparison. Edit: Blackpool with Tom Ince near the bottom too. Wtf?
  16. What? I'm lost too. Tried to find the original post to see if I missed out something but apparently it's gone.
  17. LRD

    Kevin Keegan

    He's a legend and got me into supporting this club but dearie, he's having a mare with those words.
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